The 11 Domains of Concern of The Conscious Executive

The 11 Domains of Concern of The Conscious Executive

Whenever we ask ourselves if we are living the life of our dreams and how relevant our lives are, we almost always turn our thoughts to the work to which we dedicate most of our time, because we perceive it as the primary activity to achieve the economic sustainability necessary to live the life we long for.?

In that sense, our dreams become a list of experiences to fulfill, hoping that one day we will have the money, energy, time, and possibility to achieve them. This causes work to become the center of our lives, trapping us in routine and exhausting days.?

Under this approach, we lose sight of other aspects that deserve the same level of attention to achieve the balance and the integral life project that we seek. Only by attending to them can we feel passion and fulfillment for the contribution we make to the world, as well as gratitude for all that we receive from it.?

You've probably heard this before, but how many times have you paused to analyze every part of your life, know where you are, and make a plan to enjoy what you want?

We have also heard that being in balance provides us with a healthy and happy life, but very few achieve it, the challenge is to know how to do it. I know for a fact that gaining awareness of all the aspects that make up your life, knowing where you stand in each one, and making the decision to act with perseverance and discipline, will take you to where you dream of being and have not yet arrived. I want you to be part of the people who achieve balance, so I? invite you to take control of the course of your life, analyzing the 11 domains of concern of The Conscious Executive.

  1. Character: This domain refers to the characteristics, qualities, and traits of your personality that determine the way you act and view life events. Your identity. Character is not something you are born with, it is forged, trained, and can be molded.

Ask yourself: How does your character help you project the person you want to present to others and the world? How does your character help you get what you want?

  1. Intellect: Here we talk about how the thoughts you pay attention to are the ones that define you today and will be what you will become tomorrow. Your intelligence is one of the greatest resources to achieve what you want.?

Think: How do you nurture your intellect to make better decisions that bring you closer to your ideal life?

  1. Emotional: Feeling is the immediate reaction with which you perceive the environment, it is the first response that is activated in your body, even before thought or your consciousness.

Identify: What role do your emotions play in your life? Do they motivate you to achieve your goals or hold you back?

  1. Spiritual: It is how your values, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors manifest in congruence with what you consider to be greater than yourself, be it the creator, the universe, the energy, or whatever aspect you believe in.?

Analyze: What is your relationship to what you believe in? How do you live it or show it to the world and other people?

  1. Health & Body: Without health, you can't do anything in the other domains, but having the body and health you want requires effort, discipline, willpower, and time.?

Reflect: Are you satisfied with your body and health? What efforts have you made? What are you willing to do to achieve this?

  1. Love Life: Regardless of the different love relationships that exist today, this domain refers to love and how you share with another person the path of life, how you enjoy it, how you complement each other, satisfy needs, accompany each other, and evolve together.?

Think: What is the value you bring to each other? What do you seek to build together? What are they together for?

  1. Family: This domain allows you to understand where you come from, and then decide the type of family you want to build, care for, and nurture, beyond the configuration: mom, dad and children, couple without children, or long etcetera.?

Check out: What did you learn from your family? What would you like to perpetuate? What would you like to change by forming your own?

  1. Social relationships: The people you choose as friends have an important influence on your development and growth, just as you influence them.?

Observe: What traits do you consider in a person to be considered your friend? Why would others want to have you as a friend?

  1. Career. Choosing your profession requires conscious and analytical work on yourself and your environment to do what makes you happy and, at the same time, contribute to the world. It's a crucial decision that you don't necessarily have to make at a specific age, it's never too late.?

Ask yourself: What skills and talents do you have that add value to the world? What makes you happy and motivates you? How could you work on what you love (if you don't already)?

  1. Finance: 80% of our time is spent making money, but we were never taught how to manage it. Improving your relationship with money will allow you to turn it into a physical representation of what you receive by adding value to the world and people through your talent.?

Examine: What's going to allow you to make money in abundance? How are you going to use it, care for it, and grow it?

  1. Life Experience: Finally, this domain consolidates all the previous ones, allows you to create milestones and with them, continue building the rest of your path.?

Reflect: What would you like to experience to broaden your perspective of the world? What events do you think would change your life positively?

These domains represent the most important elements of all people's lives. Whenever we ask ourselves: what do I have to do to achieve my dreams? it is difficult to find the first step because it seems that a great master plan with all the answers is required to make it work; However, when we consciously reflect on each of these domains deeply and calmly, we can build a truly effective step-by-step plan that brings us closer to living a balanced and fulfilling life. Ready to design the life you want?

Contact me directly or schedule a call using the link in my bio.

David Greenberg

Learn to operate in the private with trusts and affidavits | Freedom Activist, Youtuber & Educator | World traveler, Carnivore, & Salsa Dancer

7 个月

It's very helpful to consider the context of each of these domains in our lives, and not just get stuck in one or several of them. We are multidimensional beings, and thus our experience is across different dimensions throughout life. As a business owner, I've found myself sometimes hyper-focused on just a few domains, especially Finance, but that ultimately led me to feel unfulfilled in many other areas. Great insights!



