11 Cinematographers to Follow on Instagram
Social media has not only changed the way we communicate with friends, peers, fans and brands alike; It has also changed the way we connect, educate, inspire. The overlapping principles between still photography and motion have provided an outlet for some of the world’s best cinematographers to connect with anyone, making their personal accounts worthwhile for a follow.
Cinematographers have always taken a backseat to photographers outside their niche. In the past, very few cinematographers would also shoot magazine covers or still campaigns for brands. But alas, we live in the digital age now and the lines are blurred, if not completely erased, as to what’s possible for these professionals.
Video is certainly a medium on the rise with Flickr, Vine, Periscope and Snapchat all embracing the medium. But a simple photograph can easily be just as powerful, and some lens masters aren’t always where you’d expect.
Below are some incredible cinematographers that will inspire you and make your Instagram feed more enjoyable.
@katearizmendi: Kate’s feed is a mix of pop, culture, art, work and women’s equality. Her feed is fun, and, of course, the occasional behind the scenes is always interesting. Based in NY, Kate shoots short films, commercials, and music videos and has worked with great lifestyle brands.
@shanehurlbutasc: With several studio backed features to his name, and a pioneer in the digital cinema age with the Canon 5Dii shooting about 75% of Act of Valor on that camera. He, along with his wife Lydia and their team at Hurlbut Visuals, are huge educators and are constantly providing an incredible amount of valuable info to the Inner Circle.
@andy_best: Andy is an adventure and outdoors photographer and filmmaker. He’s an explorer for The Outbound and posts some incredible scenics. He’s officially based in Portland, OR but from his feed you can tell he’s pretty much always traveling, wandering and exploring this amazing planet we live on.
@addp: Besides great photos of her professional work, Autumn includes great imagery of her everyday life, such as her dog or the clouds. What’s great about these photos is that they all have a cinematic feel to them. It’s refreshing to see mundane everyday things that have a twist.
@russellhoughten: Russell is an accomplished skate filmmaker, among other things. He’s one that uses the camera as a tool, and never let’s his tools limit his creativity. He recently shot a video for New Balance Numeric only using an iPhone (a Vimeo Staff pick) and put a GoPro in a fishbowl for a creative little skate video (also a Vimeo Staff pick). His feed includes some awesome skate lifestyle and nature posts, too. So he mixes it up and I definitely recommend you check out his Instagram feed.
@chivexp: Chivo has consistently worked with directors such as Alfonso Cuaron, Terrence Malick and Alejandro I?arritu. His feed has some of the most beautiful images you’ll find. His commentary is short and vague, if at all. The most interesting part, he has amassed over 160k followers, has a verified account with Instagram, but there’s never a mention of who he is or any personal confirmation in his posts.
@vincentlaforet: Recently Vincent has been posting some incredible night aerial photos of New York. He recently published a coffee table book of all these aerial images. Vincent was another pioneer in the digital SLR revolution with the Canon 5Dii.
@morganmaasen: Morgan is an incredible surf photographer turned filmmaker. He has a couple of Vimeo’s Staff Picks and is always traveling to remote and exotic locations all over the world. He’s active in his posting and always has a unique shot or location that makes you wish you were in his shoes when the photo was taken. With over 200k followers many have started to take note.
@jerryotti: Jerry is a DP at Vice Media, mainly shooting Vice on HBO. As you would imagine, he is always traveling to 3rd world countries, usually putting himself in precarious situations. However, Jerry always travels with a quality still camera and his account shares a different side of his travels. A majority of his images are captured on a Sony A7s or Fuji X100s, but he has been posting some incredible frame grabs from his Canon C300ii.
@reedmorano Reed’s feed is full of great imagery. Whether she’s on set, scouting or posting the occasional BTS picture. She also has some candid moments with Martin Scorsese. It’s clear by her feed that Reed is a master at light and color.
@wpfister: I’ve really enjoyed Wally’s posts. When I first started getting into cinematographer he was one of the DP’s I would watch closer. Anytime a movie he shot came out I went to go see it (whether I was interested in the plot or not). I got to watch him on set for a day and was mesmerized by watching his vision come to life. It’s really neat to now be able to see into his professional world a little bit for. Wally shot Moneyball, one of my favorite movies.
What I really love is the everyday photos everyone posts on Instagram. Following these cinematographers provides some insight into how each of them view everyday things and where they pull inspiration from.