11 Benefits of On-Premise to Cloud Migration
Cloud computing, cloud transformation, cloud everything - that’s what we’ve been hearing lately from the tech space. You might be asking what makes cloud solutions so special, and if they are relevant to your business. Short answer, the cloud simplifies business ability, and if you store any amount of data, yes, it is relevant to you. If you’re not convinced quite yet, read these 11 selling points for migrating your on-premise data to the cloud.
Increased agility and flexibility
The first selling point of any cloud solution is its nearly unlimited flexibility, customizability and agility. Moving to the cloud provides the ability to scale operations on demand, driving quick adaptation to any evolving market demand. Most cloud platforms employ a DevOps model, creating a collaborative IT and software development environment that spurs quality applications with quick deployment. Another notable customization is the option to have a hybrid model, where operations are partially on-premise and partially in the cloud.?
Performance improvement
In the end, you are looking to migrate from on-premise to the cloud because you want better business performance, whether it’s internal or external. Cloud computing optimizes the foundational data of your business and grows up through operations and sales. It then extends your reach globally, presenting the ability to run workloads closer to each individual customer.?
If you just want to free up IT resources or make more business deals, think again. Investment in cloud solutions will bring optimization in operations, finance, innovation, and organization.?
Cost reduction
The most attractive benefit of cloud migration is quite possibly its potential for wide-scale cost reduction. With no need to keep extra IT assets on hand for occasional usage, no need for physical datacenters or maintenance of them, and overall optimization of resources, moving to the cloud can reduce costs throughout a business. Companies can save an average of 15% of all IT spending by migration to the cloud, with small and medium businesses (SMBs) saving up to 36%.1
Quicker innovation ability
On-premise to cloud migration not only frees up time and resources for innovation, but introduces a plethora of tools and features that make for on-demand results generation, quicker processes, and development automation. Whether you’d like to step into the world of AI with on-demand machine learning and cognitive services or understand your users better with embedded synapse analytic tools, moving your operations to the cloud gives you a range of options that have never been easier to access.
Ease of resource demand
Business needs and objectives are ever-changing, those of the client and the service provider. With on-premise data centers, it’s a long and difficult process to increase or decrease storage and IT assets. The cloud solves this issue through data centralization in networks that automatically adjust and update for the given amount of resources at the given time, from storage to workloads and market shifts. Manual capacity planning no more!
Customer expectation management
Customers, especially when investing in a technology service, expect experiences customized to their situation and objectives. The ability to tailor your service offering to individual clients is a massive competitive advantage over others in your market. Cloud data migration tools construct an agile environment with multiple models, applications and features that can track and update as customer expectations fluctuate.
Immediate business results
With the right cloud provider, results should happen simultaneously with migration completion. Distancing from your legacy application should immediately produce less costs, wider market reach, and more effective infrastructure, all secure and organized in a centralized network.?
This optimization sets off cleaner operational processes and IT resources, so that your organization can hone in on delivering quality applications and services.
IT simplification
IT tends to spend a lot of effort and time fixing errors and implementing a company’s SaaS. In an ideal scenario, they would instead focus their energy on improving the current product and customizing it for clients to produce optimal outcomes for everyone. This scenario is one of the largest benefits of cloud migration, as it takes the endless configuration and troubleshooting off the IT departments plate, freeing up resources for true business improvement.?
In addition, cloud computing solutions allow administrators to run everything from a single screen, even in a hybrid on-premise/cloud model. Operations are managed in web interface or scripted via API, presenting a centralized environment that functions easily with a wide selection of customizable features and tools.?
With services ranging from simple, automated and customizable pipelines that can transform your deployment capabilities or monitoring tools to improve observability into your applications, infrastructure and network, it’s never been easier to simplify your operations and improve your applications.
The everything as-a-service shift
Cloud service models range from Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) to Software as a Service (SaaS) to Platform as a Service (PaaS), starting with the most comprehensive and technical to least. These models have spearheaded the Everything as a Service (XaaS) movement, represented by a transformable subset of cloud computing that encompasses SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, Mobile Devices as a Service (MDaaS), Artifical Intelligence as a Service (AIaaS), Blockchain as a Service (BaaS), and Database as a Service (DBaaS).?
For disruptive companies wanting to drive intense innovation in software development, XaaS can be a game changer in capabilities. The endless opportunities for transformation wrapped into one service greatly reduces negative implications of IT turnover and streamlines costs and processes throughout a company.?
Optimal consumption management
In concurrence with ease of resource demand, cloud computing solutions bring forth economic and environmental sustainability. Cloud platforms monitor the number of resources you consume, including energy, costs, and data, and utilize automations to manage it without human IT assets.
The process that creates integration of cloud computing services for customers is called cloud provisioning and may use virtual machines (VMs), storage volumes, machine learning and data analytics. When cloud provisioning is done with the right partner, your end platform runs efficiently while saving you money.
Cloud scalability
The cloud is agile and flexible beyond our imagination, with the ability to grow and shrink automatically based on current needs. It can house an almost infinite amount of secure data, and can break up services, data, or applications into smaller, customizable products. As consumer’s evolve, markets shift, business needs adapt and new technologies emerge, the cloud is on call and ready to transform.?
The Bottom Line
On-premise to cloud migration can seem daunting, but it’s pivotal in optimizing data, internal operations, business costs, disruptive innovation and more. When you decide it’s worth the investment for your company, contact Seamgen for a seamless cloud migration that drives ROI and streamlines processes.
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