11 Articles!  You are family!  Three secrets!  Summertime prospecting!  More!
Hudson Yards - Photo by Bryce Sanders

11 Articles! You are family! Three secrets! Summertime prospecting! More!

Eleven articles!? Feedback from readers is useful.? Which was your favorite?? Leave a message in the Comment section below.


Some clients might have mentioned “We consider as a member of the family.”? There are obvious benefits that come to mind.? There are also drawbacks when you are considered to be inside the family unit.? What are they?

When Clients Consider You One of the Family ThinkAdvisor (7/3/24)



Successful people are approached for business all the time.? When they have a need, they have their choice among many financial advisors.? The wealthy often have a few “qualifiers” to narrow down the list.? What are they??

Three Secrets to Doing Business with Wealthy Friends ThinkAdvisor (7/1/24)



When financial advisors attend community events, some consider it a night out.? You are also prospecting on your feet.? My article explains in detail.

How to Work a Room on the Nonprofit Circuit Financial Advisor (7/1/24)



You know people in the community with the potential to be ideal clients.? Unfortunately, they don’t know you yet.? Here are ways to tactfully raise your profile.

12 Ways You Can Get Noticed by Your Prospect Advisorpedia (7/2/24)



When the weather turns perfect, it can be easy to think up reasons not to go to the office or even work at all.? There is an old expression: “Make hay while the sun shines.”? This also applies to prospecting.

10 Reasons to Prospect This Summer Horsesmouth (7/2/24)



You want to develop bonds with clients.? There are social reasons for having shared interests, but it can also be good for business.? People often do business with people they like.? Find some additional reasons for clients to like you.

Eight Ways (Besides Golf) to Connect with Clients Rethinking65 (7/2/24)



People have short memories.? When the stock market does well, it is easy to forget market performance is often cyclical.? Rebalancing the asset allocation is one proactive step.? My article includes nine more.

How to Prepare Clients for a Wild Stock Market Ride MDRT “Round the Table” (July 2024)



Financial advisors are often involved in nonprofit organizations within the community. Everyone needs to be fundraising. This is often the advisor's "superpower."

How to Ask a Wealthy Person for a Charitable Gift LinkedIn article (7/1/24)



Not everyone is as enthusiastic about cruising as we are.?They often share reasons why they think cruising is not for them.?Some reasons might have been true years ago, but the industry has moved with the times.

10 Misconceptions People Can Have About Cruising AllThingsCruise (7/1/24)



Many agents and advisors associate public speaking with presenting seminars.? That involves assembling the audience yourself. There are often plenty of organizations in the community on the lookout for guest speakers to present at their meetings.? Think in terms of educational topics.

Public Speaking Venues You May Not Have Thought Of MDRT Blog (7/3/24)



In the nonprofit world, membership does represent recurring revenue. This does not come in automatically. Here are some ways to tactfully follow up people who haven't renewed their membership yet.

How to Get Lapsed Organization Members to Rejoin LinkedIn article (7/2/24)





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