11 amazing ways to create a blissful marriage
What happens in a marriage is related to the efforts and sacrifice of the partners.
Hence, you cannot relax, sit back and expect your marriage to be a great one.
But, when couples put in the necessary effort nature will always bless them with a happy union.
And, such unions will be full of love, happiness and progress.
To have a great marriage some ground rules have to be put in place so that everything works the way it should.
And to achieve a great marriage, partners have to be truthful, sincere and considerate.
In this post you will become aware of how you can imbibe these rules into your marriage.
Now let’s, look at the ground rules that will transform your marriage into a great one
. 1. No '’ I TOLD YOU '' comments
One thing about life is that our decisions cannot be right all the time.
There will be times when your partner will go against your advice, and take actions that will turn out to be wrong.
The normal urge is to do the ‘’ I told you speech’’, but the advice is to let it slide.
This is because if you do it, your partner will also wait for you to err, so that he/she will pay back the ‘’ I told you ’’
And an unending cycle of ‘’ I told you ‘’ will start.
So, always resist the temptation to say ‘’ I told you ‘’
2. You can only complain’’ ONCE ''.
Partners in a marriage will always offend each other, this is not intentional, but it is how nature works.
And there is no way to avoid it or prevent such from happening.
But for you to have a great marriage you have to learn how to downplay or overlook the offences of your partner.
And, one way of doing this is to limit how much you complain about his/her actions.
Here, the advice is to mention it once and let go, don’t dwell on it over, and over again.
This is because if you dwell on it over and over again.
Whenever you take a wrong decision your partner will also dwell on your own shortcomings,
And an unhealthy cycle of complains will start.
So, you should resist the temptations of complaining over and over again about the same thing.
3. Create a WELCOME and GOOD BYE routine
Couples should have a unique welcome and good bye routine that is fused into their daily lives.
For some it a kiss, a hug, holding hands while for others, it may be a smile or thumps up etc.
The effect of this gesture is that it creates an excitement when you see your partner
And it also create a longing when partners leave each other.
So, you and your partner should agree on that special welcome or departing gestures.
But the advice is to choose a routine that you can do everywhere without being shy or offending people.
4. Have a "'ONE APOLOGY ''policy
One feature of a great marriage is that partners do not hold grudges against each other.
Though argument or quarrels happen but the partners will always forgive each other.
Hence, In this regard the couple should have a one apology policy that covers all situations.
This policy means one apology is enough to settle any shortcoming or wrongdoing.
Hence, a ground rule of one apology should be agreed upon by you and your partner.
5. Always LISTEN to your partner
Marriage is a union between two people who are staying together in a home.
The point here is that if you are not ready to listen to your partner then how do you expect your partner to listen to you.
Here, you should always be ready to listen to everything that your partner has to say.
This, way your partner will also be ready to listen to you too.
By listening to your partner, this shows that you respect, and cherish him or her.
6. Make a request only ONCE
Marriage works best when there is love, trust, sincerity among partners
Hence, partners should always be ready to meet the needs of their partner.
But this is not always possible, as there will be times when a partner will be unable to meet his or her partner needs.
Hence, to maintain courtesy and civility, couples should evolve a ‘’ one request policy’’.
This means that a partner can only ask for something once, and if the other partner cannot meet the request
He or she will not ask again.
Here, such a policy removes any negative feelings of being uncaring or irresponsible.
So. To have a happy marriage, couples should have and maintain a ''ask only once '' policy.
7. Tasks should be shared on a most CONVIENENT basis
In a home, there are activities such as cooking, laundry, kids care, cleaning of the home, etc.
And, all these tasks are carried out on a daily, weekly or monthly basis
The way to share tasks in a great marriage is not on a gender or role basis.
Rather, tasks are shared on a most convenient basis.
Here, tasks are assigned to the person that is in a more convenient position to do the task.
Let’s assume that a partner works late, if you assign the task of picking up the kids from school to such a partner.
Then, the kids will always be picked up late, as the partner will struggle to do the task.
So, in a happy marriage you may see the husband taking care of the cooking, or bathing of the kids,
While, the wife does other chores that may be masculine in nature.
So, if you want to have a great marriage, share task based on what is more convenient for you and your partner.
8. Do HOME CHORES together
Closely related to the above is the need for couples to do house chores together.
This is necessary as couples who do house chores together have better understanding.
This is because as they spend a lot of time together, they are able to understudy each other.
And, this reduces cases of disagreement or quarrels in their union.
So, you should do house chores together, to improve the bond between you and your partner.
9. Show LOVE and AFFECTION always
One feature of a great marriage is that couples use every opportunity to show love and affection.
For such couples it is normal to hear them say I love you every time of the day.
And, even when they are having arguments they still say I love you to each other.
So, in your marriage always say I love you as many times as you can,
Hence, don't wait until you need something or when your partner does something for you,
Before saying I love you.
10. Learn to APPRECIATE your partner
In marriage there are roles and responsibilities set for each partner.
For instance the husband handles the bills while the wife takes care of the house chores.
Unfortunately, some partners have developed the ‘’It is his/her duty’’ approach to things.
So, they never say thank you for anything that their partner does for them.
Hence, you should always appreciate your partner for his/her efforts and sacrifice.
So, when a wife cooks, the husband should thank her for taking care of the family.
Also, when the husband pays the kids school fees or provides for the house the wife, should thank him.
11. A partner can REFUSE sex
In a marriage, sex can create a lot of issues; because some couples are not sexually compatible.
As such while a partner may be comfortable with sex once a week, another partner may want more sex.
In view of this there are often quarrels about how often sex should take place.
Hence, it is necessary for couple to have an understanding that allows a partner to postpone sex
This allows a partner to refuse the sexual advances of his/her partner without it becoming an issue.
This is necessary because lovemaking should be a mutual agreement by both parties.
Hence, having such an understanding shows love concern and consideration for the partners.
12. Couple should pool their FUNDS together
The thing about a happy family is that partners pool their finances together.
Here, partners may operate joint or separate accounts from where funds are spent.
In this case, the partners have to agree before any expenses above an agreed amount is incurred.
Here, the expenses of the family are also jointly borne by both partners.
They partners are jointly accountable and responsible for the upkeep of the house.
From the foregoing, it is clear that a blissful marriage does not happen by mistake or chance.
Instead it can only be achieved through the hard work and sacrifice of the partners.
Yet, creating a blissful marriage is not hard, it only needs the commitment and sacrifice.
In conclusion, couples need to come up with new ways to make their marriage better and happier.