10x Mindset Program-Less is More
Nature illustrates 10x as it perfects the principle of less is more, optimizing the interconnected ecosystem. (Photo by Dulcey Lima, Unsplash)

10x Mindset Program-Less is More

#78 With a 10x mindset, less is more. What does that mean??Awareness of our essential self undergirding our thoughts, feelings, and actions is the ultimate, personal expression of less is more. Our essential self is whole, worthy, and welcoming to life. We know that with this awareness, there is no lack but rather abundance, even when it doesn’t appear that way externally. As this gets expressed in a 10x context, there is less of me, more of us…less distraction, more attention…less busyness, more peace…less task, more relationship…less chaos, more order (and so on). In this series, we are highlighting different 10x perspectives that orient our focus on how to operationalize less is more. Our topics include…1) Bandwidth, 2) Timeline, 3) Leverage, 4) 80-20, and 5) Small wins. Each of these topics brings specific distinctions to our awareness. As we’ve said before, the number of distinctions we have within a specific area is a measure of our competence in that area. Increasing our 10x distinctions increases the number of different perceptual positions available to us. With more and more 10x distinctions, we gain ever richer opportunities to choose strategies and actions most efficiently, empowering our progress to 10x outcomes.

Zoya AzizPriya BalarajAysan FazelianSofia Fernandez, MBA, ACCRahul GawareSupriya JaanDivija LaheShayok LohaniAndalib MahmudMcDonald Mzimkhulu PhambanisoAlison OddeyZaynub ParkerNeethi PoonachaKarin RohnerNishith ShahShishir SawantYvonne StoffelMehek Wadhwa


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