10x Mindset-10x Question(s) #2
Targeted questions generate quality investigation and great answers. (From 愚木混株 cdd20 on Unsplash)

10x Mindset-10x Question(s) #2

#30 Our 10x mindset challenges us to live from our essence, uncompromising and liberated. It links our mind and emotions to our spirit where we access our passion. Questions that arise include: 1) What is my passion and how can I express it in this context? Passions are formed from life experiences, either specific defining moments or a pattern of experiences over time crystallizing into decisions about who we are and what we do. When our 10x outcome is generated from passion, we enter into flow, creativity expands, perceptions intensify, and vitality activates us. 2) What unique, 10x niche does our passion create and enable us to pursue? That niche occurs at the intersection of what we love, what we are good at and equipped to manifest, and what the world needs. ??3) How does my passion generate that compelling motivation to accomplish our 10x outcome(s)? Our compelling motivation is revealed in what we do irrespective of others’ expectations or the world’s demands. It is the fruit of our essential self formed through life-defining decisions. When linked to a 10x outcome that truly matters, we show up with 100% commitment that accomplishes our 10x outcome.

Zoya AzizPriya BalarajAysan FazelianSofia Fernandez, MBA, ACCRahul GawareSupriya JaanDivija LaheShayok LohaniAndalib Mahmud McDonald Mzimkhulu PhambanisoAlison OddeyZaynub ParkerNeethi PoonachaKarin RohnerNishith ShahShishir SawantYvonne StoffelMehek Wadhwa


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