10th Annual Maritime Employee Survey
We have again surveyed individuals within the global shipping and maritime markets in order to provide a detailed view of financial and motivational issues from an employee perspective. We would like to thank all those who took the time to participate.
Headline news
· 70% of participants feel their employer could do more to achieve a diverse and inclusive workforce.
· 25% of all respondents believe they have been discriminated against at work.
· We are seeing less confidence in the shipping jobs market and job security is now the most important aspect for job seekers when considering a career move.
· The amount of survey participants receiving a bonus is similar to the last two years but a greater percentage of people are unhappy with the amount they received (although bonus amounts have not changed significantly).
· The Asia Pacific region is still seen by the majority to offer the greatest opportunity for work but considerably less so than in previous years with Europe and the Middle East gaining considerable ground over previous years.
· 54% of participants are looking actively for a new job and a further 41% are not looking but open to offers.
The full report contains details on salary increases, bonus payments, confidence levels within the shore based shipping jobs sector and is broken down by Business Area, Market Sector and Geography.
For a copy of the full report, please contact us by emailing [email protected].