10th Anniversary of Lessons Learned software
It is now 10 years since we installed the very first version of our Lessons Learned software at Country Fire Service in South Australia. Mark Thomason of CFS and I designed and built what we thought was a good system.
Within a year of practical experience it got better. We learned from experience!
After teaming up with Nick Milton in 2011; we introduced his concepts as well and created the Private sector version.
Over the coming years we gradually introduced more features and sophistication; still within the basic principles we had been working with all along.
One of the big shifts has been in the past 12 months were we have introduced much more trend analysis including risk trend and greatly upgraded the reminders systems.
Thank you to all our clients who have supported us; and continue to make interesting and useful suggestions based on their experience.
Details at https://www.lessonlearner.com.au