$10B for new US transmission lines, Tragedy off Hong Kong coast
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Earlier this month off the coast of Hong Kong,?China’s first typhoon of the year sunk a Fujing 001 wind installation vessel. Three of the 30-person crew aboard were rescued and at least 12 were confirmed dead; recovery efforts were hampered by the storm. China's offshore wind production dwarfs that of the rest of the world, accounting for 80% of?the world's?offshore wind in 2021. Are any countries poised to catch up?
Meanwhile in Massachusetts,?Vineyard Wind crews discovered an unexploded WWII-era ordinance on the ocean floor. (History buffs rejoice: more finds are sure to follow.) MISO (Mid-continent Independent System Operator) plans to establish $10B worth of much-needed new transmission lines in the middle of North America.?And with the Nord Stream 1 pipeline currently shut down for maintenance, Germany is on edge about its reopening. At the same time, the country?is cutting?Enercon a check for?$500M EU. And why is GE walking away from Teesworks, where it planned to manufacture 107m blades??For insight into all this and more, listen to the Uptime podcast now
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