The title is based upon a book by Richard Carlson, “Don't Sweat the Small Stuff and it's all Small Stuff” the premise of the book is that the problems you have to seem superhuman, impossible, and grand are of little importance in the grand scheme of things.
From your messy home, domestic disputes, hellacious commute to work, unbearing coworkers, and a boss that’s hell’s incarnate. To how you find meaning in life based on the inadequacies you think you don't possess, will these all matter 100 years from now?
This is not to undermine your problems; they are valid and urgent as they can be. Your existence in this world is relative to how you've experienced it in the past and how you expect what the future will be for you. Hell or paradise are constructed you create daily.
And this is not to tell you to relieve all urgent matters; some things still need sweating. If a minor infringement can become a maladaptive habit (like staying up late, snacking, things causing late), if you know you’re making the same mistake more than thrice, and what your gut tells you.
Everything else will seem less important; every battle should not be fought; choose wisely with your limited mental and physical energy. Develop skills and know the right people to help you be effective. Communicate transparently so expectations can be met.
This includes you; the more you train for efficiency, the more you focus on what is essential at this moment, the less you sweat it, and the more you get things done. I know it's easier said than done. But everything is practice, including choosing your fights wisely.
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