#109: Platform engineering tools
Hey there! Welcome to Platform Weekly. Your weekly climb of the platform engineering tree. This week we’re unpacking an awesome article and webinar released by Jonas Hecht on multi-cloud platform engineering with Crossplane, and ArgoCD. (Yep, that means some GitOps excitement too)
What’s hot this week:
GitOps + Platform Engineering with Crossplane & ArgoCD
I’ll be the first person to tell you that platform engineering isn’t only about tech & tools. And in my experience, it’s rarely the wrong tool choice that tends to kill most platform initiatives.
It’s usually culture. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t talk about tooling. And that the right combination of tools can’t do some pretty cool stuff. This article and webinar combo from Jonas Hecht, Senior Solution Architect & Developer Advocate at Codecentric, is a perfect great of that.
Jonas breaks down exactly how Crossplane and ArgoCD can result in some awesome platform
engineering and deliver on a whole lot of the stuff that we think about when we dream of good platform engineering.
Jonas explains:
I talk a lot about culture here, and we all know why. But sometimes you just need to mess around with some awesome tooling and the epic things that come out.
If you want multi-cloud, and GitOps, and awesome examples of everything platform engineering has to offer. Go read Jonas’ full article, and watch his webinar.
You won’t regret it??