$106M data Contingency...
Sandy Antipas
Tech education specialist and curious guy. Looking for troubles. Making your IT easy for everyone to use.
There is a news story from this week that gave us the numbers on where the Govt can make some savings.
In that story it outlines who had money stored for projects.
One of the line items which interested me was the line for $106M not needed for "Te Whatu Ora's Health data contingency" I work in the data area and knowing what's involved for large enterprise can be complex but it doesn't have to be.
$106M if you were to break that down into a project for data contingency, you could look at making sure all of NZ's health data was available and useable quickly, if something went wrong with your core data systems.
To do this you would have a copy of the data available for a user so when one goes "bad", you have the other to use.
Some even have two copies of the data just in case the "bad" is a geographical bad taking out a city where you have the core data and first copy.
Here's the math.
The health data based on the storage for all the hospitals you can expect the total storage being about 20PB of data. That's 20k TBs of data or 10 Trillion pages of standard printed text.
To get one copy of that for a year would be an as a Service option for storage. Using Flash as a Service you would have a monthly rate which you can change up or down depending on how much you add.
How much would One full copy of 20PB of data be?
Not much, in fact looking at the budget of $106M you could order 10 full copies of the data and still have half the budget available for re-use elsewhere.
If $106M is just for a contingency plan, I wonder who is creating these budgets, the math doesn't work when laid out. I'm sure there will be some costs to migrate initially but using Flash as a Service's multiprotocol platform it doesn't matter if it's NFS or SMB or S3, it will take it all into one platform and make it available for use. Also there are no egress fees.
If I was to come up with a contingency plan for data for 20PB, it would be based on what's available today for any organisation to consume immediately. And using today's market, $25M will be more than enough to get multiple copies of the Data available on Flash.
Sandy Antipas Author:
Works in the tech industry in NZ. Specialises in providing best fit outcomes by using top tech specialists and technology tools.