105: The Holy Qur’an on Wasting of Resources: Water, etc. (Series: Inviting Reflections)
Prof Dr M Akram Chaudhary
Ex Vice Chancellor/Professor Emeritus, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
The Qur’an on Wasting Resources---Water, etc.
Israf (????????) is a verbal noun from the trilateral Arabic root: "? ? ?" which means wasting (the resources), to show off in spending, un-necessary expenditures, to cross the limits, to transgress, etc. Allah does not like those who practice Israf in their daily routines of life. The Holy Qur’an has employed this word frequently and forbidden us from performing Israf in our day-to-day affairs of life. The following few verses show that the root:“? ? ?” and its derivations have various applications in language along with a wide-range of nuances and meanings; which is a peculiarity of Arabic language not shared by other world languages.
Allah says:
."????? ????? ?????????? ??????? ??? ???????? ???????? ??????? ????? ?????????? ????????????? ???? ????????? ????????? ???????????? ??????????? ????? ????????? ?????????????"
(Their (believers’) only words were, "Our Lord, forgive us our offences, and our excesses: ??????? in our conduct, and strengthen our foothold, and help us against the disbelieving people(. Surah: 3, Verse: 147.
The derivations of the same have been employed in another verse as follows:
."??????? ??? ?????????? ?????? ???????? ?????????? ???????? ?????? ?????????? ? ????? ???????????? ? ???????? ??? ??????? ?????????????"
(Eat of its fruit when it yields, and give its due on the day of its harvest, and do not waste. He does not love the wasteful). Surah: 6, Verse: 141.
In the following verse Allah has forbidden us from israf in our day to day affairs:
."????????? ??????? ??????? ??????????? ????? ????? ???????? ????????? ???????????? ????? ???????????? ? ???????? ??? ??????? ??????????????"
(O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the transgressors). Surah: 7, Verse: 31.
Mentioning the traits of ‘Ibad ur Rahman (humbal servents of Allah), they have been adored in the following verse:
."??????????? ?????? ?????????? ???? ??????????? ?????? ??????????? ??????? ?????? ??????? ????????"
(And those who, when they spend, are neither wasteful nor stingy, but choose a middle course between that). Surah: 25, Verse: 67.
Israeli king Pharaoh has been named by the Qur’an as a "????????", who transgressed and crossed all limits:
."???????? ?????????? ?????? ????????????? ???? ?????????? ?????????. ??? ?????????? ? ???????? ????? ???????? ????? ??????????????"
(And We saved the Children of Israel from the humiliating persecution. From Pharaoh, who was a tyrant and a transgressor). Surah: 44, Verse: 30-31.
Wasting of Water:
The most celebrated lexicographer of the Arabic language: Ibn Manzur in his Arabic Dictionary: Lisan al-‘Arab explains the phrase: ??? ????? (Wastage of Water) that:
"?????? ??????? ??? ?????? ?????? ???? ?????? ?????? ?? ??? ??????" (Sarf and Israf of water is that wastage when it is not used for irrigation or in order to benefit someone (of the living organisms). He further explains Israf by quoting an Arabic proverb:
." ??????: ????? ??????? ???????? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????? ??????? "
(It is said that the well has irrigated the palm-orchid and rest of the water was wasted i.e. without any proper use). See for details: Lisan al-‘Arab: "?????".
So, one of the meanings of the word: Israf is wastage; and Allah dislikes it. This meaning is further verified and authenticated when employed by the most eloquent Arab, our Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, while talking to one of his companions. It is reported in Musnad Ahmad b. Hunbal (Hadith # 6768) and Sunan of Ibn Maja (Hadith # 419) that the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, passed by Sa’ad (R.A) who was performing ablution. Muhammad, peace be upon him, saw him and exclaimed:
."??? ????? ???????? ??? ??????? ?????: ? ???? ????????? ??????? ?????: ??????. ?? ??? ?????? ????? ?????? ?????"
(“O Sa’ad! Why you are wasting so much water?” Sa’ad (R.A) asked: Excessive use of water in ablution is wasting of water? Muhammad, peace be upon him, said: “Yes it is wasting of water even if you are doing it and you are on (the bank of) a flowing stream”).
Dear readers! With regard to the wastage of sweet water, as for as Pakistan is concerned, since decades the water of the Rivers: Indus, Jhelum, Ravi and Chenab is being wasted and thrown in the sea on one pretext or the other. Thechnical reports are available which show that no city of the country will be endangered if the Kala Bagh Dam is built; and, a big reservoir of water will be there to save the flood water to cater to the needs of Sind, Baluchistan and Punjab. The Rulers of Pakistan, Power Mongers, People of Vested Interests and all People of Pakistan will be accountable before Allah for this wastage on the Day of Judgement.
Let us mourn the morally bankrupt and direction-less leadership of the Ummah and pray to Allah Almighty to bestow on us honest, selfless and visionary leadership. An Urdu poet has depicted the current saddening and gloomy situation in a realistic way:
?...... ????? ?????? ??? ?? ????
!!!?????? ??? ??? ?????? ????
(The caravans- which started their journey in a single file, are stuck in the marshes. The leaders of the stuck-up caravans are still holding their positions ( without any sense of accountability).
Allah has reminded us:
.“ ?????????????? ??????????? ?????????????”
(Therefore, take a lesson, O you who have insight). Surah: 59, Verse: 2.
For those who do not pay any heed to the dictates of the Qur’an, and the conduct of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him; the Holy Qur’an has illustrated their position in a comprehensive and most impressive way:
."?????????? ??? ??????? ???????????? ???????? ??????? ?????????? ??????? ??? ?????????"
(Truly it is not their eyes that are blind, but their hearts which are in their breasts). Surah: 22, Verse: 46.
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7 年Excellent post Jumma Tul Mubarak Sir