Amun Re El
Enlightened Student Of Life. Unsatisfied Researcher. Alchemist. Metaphysician. Entrepreneur linktr.ee/blackangelmagik
Lab Rats Performance LLC.
Brand- new LS Standalone Wire Harnesses and LS Accessories www.labratperformance.com
The Sweetest Quest Atlanta, GA
Travel Agency www.facebook.com/thesweetestquest
Meka Matthews, Baton Rouge, LA
Creative photography IG: @Smileformeka
Chris McKinley Event Design, Lit By Chris McKinley (Luxury Candle Decor) Baton Rouge, LA
Event companies designed to help you “Celebrate Luxuriously”. https://www.chrismckinleyevents.com/
The Polaris Law Firm
Criminal Defense Law Firm, Salisbury, NC www.thepolarislawfirm.com
One-on-one personal training and fitness consultations, apparel and more! www.bnpowered.com
Cortney’s Closet
Personal Shopper and Fashion Stylist, Graphics too! www.cortneyscloset.com
Exceptional Marketing, New Orleans, LA
Ashley Williams, professional marketing consultant www.emnola.com
Aesha M., MAC Cosmetics Artist, Hammond, La & surrounding areas
Professional freelance makeup artist IG: @aeshabeauty
Soar Counseling and Consulting Services, Baton Rouge, LA
Counseling and Mental Health www.soarcounselingbr.com
Ohh Snaps! Premiere Photography, Charlotte, NC
Professional Photography www.ohsnaps.com
Beats by KD, Atlanta, GA
Certified Makeup Artist IG: beatsbykd
Silver Loop Studios New Orleans, LA
Wedding photography and cinematography studio www.silverloopstudios.com
Alterations by Kellie
Tailoring, alterations, and custom clothing IG: @alterationsbykellie
Melanin Apparel
Apparel and accessories for Men, Women, and Kids www.melaninapparel.com
Yolo’s Closet
Plus-size fashion IG: yolos_closet
Roses to Riches Clothing
Affordable gear and Greek apparel https://rosestorichesclothig.bigcartel.com
The B. Faust Collection
Branded and custom apparel https://the-b-faust-collection.myshopify.com/
HGC Apparel
Clothing Brand “Black by Popular Demand” https://www.hgcapparel.com/
Golden Glam Boutique Jackson,MS
Tshirts and accessories www.goldenglamboutique.com
Caden’s Christian Apparel Ponchatoula,LA
Spreading the Gospel Message on Apparel IG: cadensapparel16
Global Couture
Apparel and Accessories www.globalcouture.net
Black and Married with KIds
Marriage Tees www.blackandmarriedwithkids.com
Kanes & Kustom Greek Apparel www.kanework.com
Sisters and Co. Embroidery
Customized Embroidery facebook.com/sistersmonogramming
Garb Boutique
A distinctive style, a form of fashion! www.shopgarbboutique.com
Apparel and accessories www.shopdraped.com
The Crayon Case
A cosmetic line dedicated to amateur makeup artist www.thecrayoncase.com
Fenty Beauty by Rihanna
Cosmetics brand Created by Rihanna www.fentybeauty.com
Kaylux Cosmetics
Featured on Galore magazine, Walkers Legacy & Buzzfeed https://www.kayluxcosmetics.com/
IMAN Cosmetics
Celebrate your Skintone https://www.imancosmetics.com/
KA’OIR Cosmetics https://kaoir.com/
Laws of Nature Cosmetics
Organic Foundation for Women of Color https://www.lawsofnaturecosmetics.com
Beaute’ Brownie
“Curating all things brown, with a mission to encourage diversity and
promote brown beauty worldwide…” https://www.beautebrownie.com/
Cake Cosmetics
Strikingly bold colors of lipsticks and lipglosses for women of ALL ages and ALL complexions https://www.mycakecosmetics.com/
The Lip Bar
Challenging the Beauty Standard https://www.thelipbar.com/
Sacha Cosmetics
Trinidad and Tobago based https://www.sachacosmetics.com/en/
AJ Crimson Cosmetics
Makeup for your complexion https://ajcrimson.com/
Queens Lyfe Cosmetics
“Re-define Beauty” Beauty/ Cosmetics Company www.queenslyfecosmetics.com
Gold label cosmetics https://www.goldlabelcosmetics.com/
Sheeq Cosmetics https://www.facebook.com/SHEEQCosmetics/
Fashion Fair www.fashionfair.com
Black Opal www.blackopalbeauty.com
Hair Glo, UK
Haircare and Beauty online retailer, ships internationally www.hairglo.co.uk
Buttah Baby Hair Imports
Luxury Hair Extensions www.buttahbaby.com
The I am Queen
Bundles, closures, frontals and more! www.theiamqueen.com
Refined Crowns: Styled by T (IG: _styledbyt)
Refining your crown by providing styles that promote healthy hair growth is their ultimate goal! (crochet braids, goddess locs, box braids & more!)
Polished Crown Studio, Chicago, IL
Excellent Hair Services and prestige hair extensions for all lifestyles www.polishedcrownextensions.com
Lotus Nail Bar Farmington Hills, Michigan
A Rejuvenating Experience where you can relax, recharge and renew IG: @lotusnailbar
Couture Wigs Custom Made By Dy
High-quality custom constructed units IG: couturewigsbydy
The Hair Box Roseland, LA
Hair salon, beautiful protective styles and more! facebook.com/thehairboxofroseland
Alikay Naturals www.alikaynaturals.com
Eden Body Works www.edenbodyworks.com
E’TAE Natural Products www.etaeproducts.com
Jane Carter www.janecartersolution.com
Kinky- Curly www.kinky-curly.com
Mielle Organics www.mielleorganics.com
Miss Jessie’s www.missjessies.com
Taliah Waajid www.naturalhair.org
TGIN Thank God Its Natural www.thankgodimnatural.com
The Mane Choice www.themanechoice.com
Tropic Isle Living www.tropicisleliving.com
Made Beautiful https://bymadebeautiful.com
Product Junkie Naturals www.productjunkienaturals.com
Miss Naturale IG: itsmissnaturale
Alodia Hair Care www.aldodiahaircare.com
Bee Mine Organics www.beemineorganics.com
Belle Butters www.bellebutters.com
Camille Rose Naturals www.camillerosenaturals.com
Curls www.curlsbiz.net
Curls and Potions www.curlsandpotions.com
curLuxe Naturals www.curluxenaturals.com
Hydatherma Naturals www.hydrathermanaturals.com
Karen’s Body Beautiful www.karensbodybeautiful.com
KeraVeda www.keraveda.com
Koils by Nature www.koilsbynature.com
Naturalicious www.naturalicious.net
Nzuri www.hairvitaminstore.com
Oyin Handmade www.oyinhandmade.com
Wondercurl www.wondercurl.com
Tree Naturals www.treenaturals.com
Third Piece Company
Jewelry and Accessories, Wedding Jewelry, Personal Shopping IG: @3rdpiece
Collective Minds Accessories
Handmade with love IG:collectivemindsaccessories
Kittyz Pizzazz
Online Boutique. Bold statement pieces www.kittyzpizzazz.com
Bagz & Ragz
Timeless Afrocentric Attire and Fashion Foward Handbags www.bagznragz.com
Kuba Wraps
A London based headwrap brand www.kubauk.com
L|D Heeling Soles
Pearls and Bling, Let your soles be seen! IG: ld_heelingsoles
Ship, Shop, Save Columbus, OH
Jewelry, beauty products and tools. Free shipping and returns www.Shipshopsave.com
Nicholas Brooklyn & Nicholas Cultural
Oshun's Garden Designs
Custom Floral and Beaded crowns & Beaded Gemstone Jewelry
Dedicated to supporting everyone who is on a path of healing,peace and enlightenment.
K Kreations Hammond, LA
Fresh Fruit and Sweet tables for special events IG: k_kreations email: [email protected]
Odom’s Kitchen LLC., Baton Rouge, LA
Caterer. Where food is family! www.eatwithodoms.com
Jackson Catering, Hammond, LA
Country Cooking & Seafood email: [email protected]
Sweet Love Affair Atlanta, GA
Mobile Bakery www.sweetloveaffair.com
K&K Sweet Creations
Sweets, fruit tables, party packs IG: kk_sweetcreations
D Taste of Elegance, New Orleans, LA
Sweet Treats and Event Decor https://www.dtasteofelegancellc.com/
Sugar City Designs
Custom Luxury Gift Boxes www.sugarcitydesigns.com
Effum Underground
Custom tattoos and body art IG: @effumlife
Addie Rawr
Inspirational Artist, VA based www.addierawr.com
Tamesha Artistry
Custom Art and Gifts www.etsy.com/shop/tamishaartistry
Innovative Supplies
School Supplies Celebrating Black Culture www.innovativesupplies.net
Shaving products www.getbevel.com
Mo’s Bows
Custom Bowties www.mosbowsmemphis.com
Dapper Black Box
A subscription Box for the Conscious Gentleman www.dapperblackbox.com
Gentleman’s Choice Kollection
Custom Socks and Handmade bowties www.gckollection.com
IG @jerrymiller940
Black Angel Media - https://bit.ly/Blkangelz
blackmagik363 - https://www.youtube.com/user/blackmagik363
BLACKNEWS102 - https://www.youtube.com/user/BLACKNEWS102
PHILL T MORELAND - https://www.youtube.com/user/PhilthMoor08
UrbanX. TV - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEzqDlNYdSyPkkTZjC30Z2w
Your Black World - https://www.youtube.com/user/drboycewatkins
Valerie Love - https://www.youtube.com/user/Angelnoir10
True Products laundry detergent www.thetrueproducts.com