1010 to 2020; poetic maths and time for action
Depending on which timezone you're in, and what kind of hangover you plan on waking up with on 1/1/20, we're approximately 1010 days away from 2020, and such pleasant symmetry isn't lost on me.
Whether you are a pessimist or an optimist, or even if you're in the third camp of denial Not mentioning any US politicians specifically, but if you are looking at a 50+ year window, by comparison you can go back 50 years and see that the first pocket calculator was released by Texas Instruments in 1967. Lot happened since eh?
Anyway, now is the time for all our views to be set aside and for us to agree on one thing. We're way better taking action and ownership, and being the driver in this evolution, rather than sitting back and letting it happen to us.
I don't have a crystal ball, and nor do I possess the powers to tell you with high certainty exactly what the future looks like, but here is what I believe in:
Humans more Human:
There is some debate as to how we got on this planet, and exactly how long we've been here, but lets just agree that it's been a while. Since the typewriter came along in the late 1800's, we've been controlling the technology. This next machine age will see the tech promoted to our peers or equals in many regards.
We have an option to battle against, but I sense that this would be futile. What I believe we need to do, is to find ways to embrace our uniqueness in our composition as humans, and get a bit more...human?
Tapping into those skills, attributes, behaviours...those things that for years have been called "soft", that we might just realise, are better of called differentiators? And when looking at how we good we are at them, maybe they are hard to acquire and practice, and not really "soft" at all.
We HAVE to build trust.
In a recent survey we did on the Future of Teamwork (https://www.atlassian.com/teamwork) 78% of respondents said that they lacked trust with their team mates. We weren't going to stop there, so of course, we asked why.
Communication and Accountability are core facets and builders of trust. Similar to Google's research and findings in Project Aristotle, trust is like oxygen for effective teams. It's amazing when it's there, but you only truly realise the value and importance of it, when it's gone. Once we get good at that, then we can start with higher level human stuff, like intuition, vulnerability, creativity, wandering and mystery.
So instead of "liking" this, or even not "liking" it, I'd love it if you could share your view. What are YOU trying as a leader to build your teams for the future? What are you excited by or nervous about with the 2nd machine age?
CEO | Global Executive | Board Director | Private Equity | Business Owner | Digital Transformation | Driving Innovation
7 年Transforming our culture today takes an all hands on board engagement approach, our ability to think digital, to understand master data and connect it with common language across multiple functions is the starting point. I run a service business with so many opportunities to capture efficiencies that make out teams smarter and faster. I feel like an evangelist to encourage the many leaders in our multicountry organization to sieze this vision and be the architects of these changes, many of which are derived from their personal pain points that only they recognize. With clarity of solution design approaches and the belief we can make these changes, I am excited to see what results by 2020 - or even 2018!
Founder & CEO Inspiring Rare Birds, Founder & MD Job Capital, Co-Founder Startup.Business, Keynote Speaker, TV Host and Investor
7 年My companies www.inspiringrarebirds.com and www.startup.business are essentially communities of practice, where learning by doing, thinking, being is the norm. Talk fests are banned as they are quite boring and ego driven. My team don't want to sit on day long courses and be talked at, or sit in conferences where the same old words are thrown around. They want to feel and think. They want to be inspired by each other. So my job is to create that environment. Safe, trusted and high calibre, in flow talent. And create a vision and journey to lead them on. Intuition is invited to all discussions. So is perspective. Always progression over perfection. We debate robustly and have everyone speak their mind. Leaders are and will be wrong. Everyone may be from tome to time. The ideas and innovative problem solving thrive as a result. We have fun. And treat each other the same way inside our homes or inside the business world. There are no annual anything's. We don't need annual things to measure ourselves as we are self and team accountable daily. We live diversity. All diversities. And we create zero barriers to participation. What's left is how the individual chooses to play. And business progress, impact and success are a centri part of the play. Afterall, we are here to fix big problems and make money. It's the entrepreneurs responsibility to look beyond self. Our #newnorm
Communication, Talent Acquisition, Higher Education, Sales, and Relationship building
7 年Encouraging my team to come to me not only with the problems they have but also ideas or solutions on how they think they should/could be solved. Then together working out the best way to move forward.
Business Strategist | CFO | Mentor | Global Community Builder
7 年Encouraging the 'not knowing' in my teams and those who I mentor & coach. Starting to solve a problem with a blank sheet of paper, which basically means to hold the space of possibility to allow ideas to flow on how a problem could be solved. Of course this can only be done when you have a circle of trust, which means you need leaders who can actually lead teams... not a given sadly in today's corporate world ...