101 Self-Care Ideas to be Shared
Zeckry Rashid
FSM | Managed and Value Services towards Channel and EU | Content Creator | #ZeckryThought - Road to 10K |
1. Read a book
2. Take a long bath with bath bombs and essential oils
3. Watch your an episode of your favourite TV Show or a movie
4. Take a walk on a trail (or around your neighbourhood)
5. Listen to music with headphones on (try out some 3D sounds they’re amazing)
6.Doll yourself up just for the hell of it
7. Call a friend (it’s nice to hear someone else’s voice rather than just texting)
8.Clean something. Cleaning is actually very therapeutic.
10. Do some yoga
11. Take an up without an alarm clock
12.Drink a warm cup of hot cocoa
13.Learn something new
14.Draw or buy an adult colouring book and colour the hell out of it
15. Listen to a podcast about an interesting subject
16. Write in a journal about your day or what you’re feeling
17. Unplug from social media for a while.
18. Take a mental health day
19. Do a jigsaw puzzle
20. If you need to, have a long cry (you’ll feel better afterwards)
21. Take out your scissors and cut all the toxics people out of your life
22.Cuddle with your pet if you have one or a teddy bear if you don’t
23. Take some pictures
24. Get a message.
25. Do some quick breathing exercises
26.Dance in your room like an idiot
27. Take a nap
28. Buy some flowers for yourself
29.Bake something
30.Or a cook a really nice meal
31. Treat yourself with a gift
32. Do a homemade spa day
33. Go to the park
34. Try aromatherapy
35. Watch the clouds
36.Have a picnic
37. Pray
38. Try some random acts of kindness
39. Watch the sunrise or the sunset
40. Turn off your phone for a couple of hours
41. Write a story or a poem
42.Paint your nails
43. Make a playlist about your current mood
44. Write a letter
45.Light up some candles in a dark room
46. Go for a swim
47.Drink lots and lots of water
48.Camp out in your backyard
49.Have a cup of tea
50. Go for a drive with your windows down, blasting your music
51. Become a blanket burrito.
52. Watch a Movie or a Talk Show
53. Do some community service
54. Do an activity you used to love doing but stopped
55. Try something new
56. Try a new way to exercise
57. Go somewhere beautiful
58. Buy yourself a new outfit
59. Make a painting
60.Clean out your wardrobe
61. Put fresh sheets right out of the dryer on your bed
62. Start a garden
63. See a therapist
64. Start a gratitude journal
65. Watch cute animal videos
66. Go to a cafe and order your favourite drink
67.Hug someone you love
68.Smile at yourself in the mirror
69.Sit by a body of water
71. Watch a documentary
72.Plan a mini staycation
73.Eats some fruit and veggies
75. Try a new skin care regimen
76. Go to sleep early
77. Do a fun DIY project
78.Stretch for 10 minutes
79. Go thrifting
80. Take a hike.
81. Do a brain dump
82.Wash your face
83. Open your blinds and let the sunshine in your room
84. Go to sleep early
85.Goof around a bit
86.Squash one of your bad habits
87.Lie down a do absolutely nothing for a little while
88. Read or watch something that will make you laugh.
89.Have a self-date
90. Go stargazing
91. Go to a museum (some museums let you in for free on certain days)
92.Practice your handwriting
93. Do n’t be afraid to say no or cancel plans
94.Meet new people
95.Play a board game
96. Say positive affirmations
97.Invite your best friend over for some one-on-one time
98. Give yourself a face mask
99.Join a support group
100. Read an inspirational book
101.Go hiking