101 Really Good Ideas

101 Really Good Ideas

Maybe this will be the year that you…

  1. Start thinking bigger
  2. Ask for help (partners, affiliates, advocates, allies, clients)
  3. Stop playing small
  4. Give up your victim mindset
  5. Learn to sell smarter
  6. Invest in yourself
  7. Stop whining
  8. Be of service to more people, whether they buy or not
  9. Listen more deeply
  10. Stop competing and start collaborating
  11. Let go and move on
  12. Get smart about your money (earning, saving, spending, investing)
  13. Embrace the unknown
  14. Scale your business
  15. Don't sweat the small stuff
  16. Give more of your time to your best clients
  17. Amplify your voice
  18. Sharpen your vision
  19. Multiply your impact
  20. Get off the hamster wheel
  21. Leverage more 
  22. Labor less (simplify, eliminate, delegate, outsource)
  23. Serve a wider audience
  24. Dig deeper
  25. Write more
  26. Stress less
  27. Spend more time with family
  28. Get off the email crack
  29. Manage your day smarter
  30. Take 100% ownership of marketing, sales, and business development
  31. Stop pitching and start solving
  32. Make more videos
  33. Build a community around your expertise
  34. Trash your self-limiting beliefs
  35. Buy this book
  36. Get serious, get help, or get out
  37. Upgrade your marketing materials
  38. Stop tolerating bullshit in all areas of your life
  39. Embrace healthy habits (food, exercise, sleep)
  40. Aspire to be bigger, better, smarter, kinder
  41. Show up
  42. Step up
  43. Stop doing work you’ve outgrown
  44. Stop serving clients who no longer fit
  45. Raise your sights
  46. Raise your fees
  47. Seek out better, smarter, more successful friends
  48. Seek out better, smarter, more successful clients
  49. Quit doing stupid shit (yes, you!)
  50. Free your imagination
  51. Sing your song
  52. Make your mark
  53. Write your book
  54. Launch that thing you’ve been dreaming of
  55. Rediscover your passion
  56. Unleash your enthusiasm
  57. Get the hell off Facebook
  58. Mentor someone who needs your wisdom
  59. Reframe your losses
  60. Remember your wins
  61. Write down your goals
  62. Live out of your calendar, not your inbox
  63. Set your GPS for greatness
  64. Go for bigger fish
  65. Use better bait
  66. Bag the elephant
  67. Be more tenacious
  68. Focus like a laser
  69. Stop distracting yourself
  70. Get more results by doing less marketing
  71. Develop a “marketing magnet” speech
  72. Identify target-rich audiences
  73. Deploy irresistible offers
  74. Master your “enrollment conversation”
  75. Start doing social media right
  76. Become more comfortable being uncomfortable
  77. If you’re not scared, you're probably not up to anything interesting
  78. Go to more conferences
  79. Cross-pollinate your best ideas
  80. Join an alchemy group
  81. Read more for pleasure
  82. Read more for business
  83. Collect smart friends
  84. Feature and leverage other people
  85. Keep a notebook to capture your best ideas
  86. Start your podcast
  87. Interview other experts
  88. Interview your prospects and clients
  89. Serve on a non-profit board
  90. Do something artsy (music, painting, dance, theater)
  91. Upgrade your wardrobe
  92. Buy that new car
  93. Give more generously
  94. Stop judgment and embrace openness (mind, heart, spirit)
  95. Apologize even (especially?) when you don’t need to
  96. Be more humble
  97. Punch people in the face with value
  98. Become genuinely interested in others
  99. Ask more and better questions
  100. Make more lists
  101. Send more cookies
  102. Be more grateful
  103. Always over-deliver
  104. Yes, this is item #104 out of 101
  105. Always say please and thank you
  106. Please share this article
  107. Thank you for being fabulous!

Ford Saeks ?

?? Business Growth Accelerator ? Top-Rated Keynote Speaker ? AI Innovator for B2B & B2C Success ? Host of FORDIFY Live ? CX & Consumer Trends ? Driving Strategic Marketing & Sales Performance ? Hall of Fame Speaker

3 年

Always enjoy your insightful posts.



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