101 Movies: Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) (2014)
Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) (2014)
Co-written and directed by Alejandro González I?árritu?
Cinematography by Emmanuel Lubezki
Is this art or is it the unexpected masterpiece of 21st century cinema?!?
Birdman is a black-comedy drama set in NYC and following Riggan Thomson, a faded Hollywood actor famous for starring in a superhero franchise as Birdman which torments him as an inner voice critically and mockingly. Riggan tries to regain recognition by writing, directing and starring in a Broadway play.?
This is an unconventional tale of an artist, a man, who's desperate to stay on the top of his game. This is a story about fame, status, and the eternal pursuit of relevance.?
Mexican filmmaker, Alejandro G. I?árritu, takes over the scene in 2014 in his homage to art and artists. He sets himself as an A-filmmaker and keeps you hooked for what he's going to make next.?
Michael Keaton, alongside a top-of-the-line cast of actors, gives the performance of his career. Authentic, unapologetic, and wildly entertaining.?
And we can't speak of this modern masterpiece without talking about Emmanuel Lubezki, I?árritu's usual collaborator who filmed Birdman to look as if it's made of one-continuous-shot, I can think of only one or two cinematographers that could shoot a film as masterfully and mesmerizingly as Lubezki.?
I remember walking out of the theater in 2014 after watching it for the first time and just fading away myself into a state of awe and aliveness, this was like nothing I have seen in my life. Experiencing it today, it hits just the same.?
Birdman is an arthouse meditation on the human psychology, family, one's place in life, criticism and art.?
A very good sound system, a big screen, and watching it from beginning to end without a single pause are highly recommended for a premium experience.?
Available to watch on Google Play, HBO Max, Disney+, and on Amazon Prime Video?