101 Great Books?
I was wondering the other day how many books I have read that have influenced what I and TCFP does and how we go about it.
I was surprised that it was 101. That’s quite a neat number and entirely unmanipulated. I have read many more books than those listed below but not kept them for various reasons.
The books listed below are those I have kept. Some I found packed with good ideas and insights and others less so. Some I agreed with entirely and others not at all. Regardless of which camps they fall into I recommend them all.
For me and TCFP and therefore our clients they have all been “important” in one way or another. They have informed our views of what we do, why and how.
Undoubtedly, I will read more great books and will look to update this list in future years. For now, here it is in full grouped by in very loose genres.
There are 17 economics books, 27 on investing, 7 on marketing, 36 of a philosophical nature and 14 pertaining to practice management.
My sole observation for now is that I have read far too many books on investing!
I would love to hear your thoughts on the list and also your own recommendations.
And now, finally, my list: