101 | The Amazing Power of Being the News | Why Yahoo is Gone

101 | The Amazing Power of Being the News | Why Yahoo is Gone

Sometimes being a visionary is hard, and not profitable

Imagine knowing what is coming 18 years ahead of time, and not being able to speed it up. Farsightedness can be as brutal as blindness in business, because doing the right thing at the wrong time is not profitable.

You may see where it is going, eventually. But nobody knows the hour, as so many of us found out in California in the crash that destroyed a lifetime’s work. Mega-trends happen, someday. But, more often than not, hitting that “window” of opportunity is not that easy. Success requires the ability to hang in however long it takes, even when you are absolutely sure about what is coming, and what is on the table.

In the fast-moving world of free-flowing information the “Schools” have become Gatekeepers for outdated ideas and skill-sets

The unfortunate truth is that “professors” are teaching what was outdated before they got their credentials, and forgetting the knowledge of the ages that they have never been exposed to in their protected bubbles. Government involvement in education has had the result that is always inevitable, dysfunction, and bureaucracy.

Some things never change: People resist the new, and embrace the familiar; guarding territory

There will always be corruption, greed, clannishness, and nepotism. Media always pushes the envelope, as it should. People will always resist progress, for all of these reasons. These dynamics are constant. Those who know the truth, will always be compelled to share it, and they will always take abuse from the “gatekeepers”.  The proverbial “thief in the night,” in my opinion, is Social Media. Now we are all scholars, if we choose to be, because the knowledge is out there. We are all reporters and journalists, however amateurish, which does not seem to matter as much online. But the power of well organized, properly moderated, aggregated information has increased; not diminished by the deluge of schlock being disseminated online. The “good stuff” (truth) always has value. Meanwhile, big things are happening, and the changing of the guard that some of us saw coming way too early, is here.

Quality will always be valuable – Integrity is everything

Many years ago, I had a client who had spent $10,000,000 of his own money, because he knew that aircraft could be made with more laminates, and less metal, and that it was a matter of time. The FAA was way behind, and he was out of his own money, and because nobody knew the future, he was unable to raise more money for the project.

This was news, because of the jobs that the venture would create. The project got funded because of one article, that was syndicated by the once extremely powerful Associated Press. In those days, only reporters, people who had been to school, were aloud to write anything and get it seen. I actually planned and crafted the article, and got a local newspaper reporter to write it, and the result was that cities and states began bidding against each other to get the jobs. Believe it or not, it is a fact that news aggregates are always hungry for news, regardless of their methods of distributing and monetizing that information. Trusted sources for that information are as rare, and as valuable as they ever were. Newspapers, and other aggregates, need trusted sources and sensational bylines always, and that has not changed.

Big things are happening at the Show Low Chamber of Commerce

In The White Mountains of Arizona, the trusted source of high quality news is WMICentral (The White Mountain Independent Newspaper) and it was discussed at the meeting yesterday of the volunteer Chamber Ambassadors group that the Show Low Chamber, and others, can be a powerful source of “op-ed” news about our booming economy here. We hope to have some published by the very modern, and trusted, White Mountain Independent.

You can participate, with them, and with WhiteMountainBusiness.com; and, as always, submissions will judged by merit, and disseminated accordingly. If you don’t know, we are all reporters now.

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