$100,000,000.00 Pearl.
Just about 10 years ago, a Filipino fisherman made an amazing discovery in the sea off the coast of the Palawan Island, Philippines: a two-foot long (26 inches to be exact) pearl inside a giant clam. He took it home and hid it under his bed – keeping it as a good luck charm. Recently, his tiny home burned down, but the 75-pound pearl survived. Via officials in the Philippines, the pearl has been verified at 26 inches in length, 12 inches in width and weighing nearly 75 pounds. It is valued at $100 Million. Pearls are the only gems in the world to be born and grow inside a living organism. Most are found inside oysters, but very scarcely are they found in clams – making this clam-found pearl even rarer. The pearl was recently shown to the public in the Philippines for the first time.
#amazing #pearl #luckycharm #100million