1000 Ideas on Your Phone
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1000 Ideas on Your Phone

Have you tried a phone storming session? They are engaging, fun, and lead to new insights, discoveries, and powerful actions. Steve Jobs sold the iPod with the catchphrase: 10,000 Songs in Your Pocket. We have the same powerful capability now using our phones, groupware, and a skilled facilitator.

The usual brainstorming session has its limitations. The group’s idea production speed is often limited by the facilitator, the sticky notes, individual handwriting, the placement of the notes, and the actual reading of the ideas.

Each note has to be handwritten and placed on the wall. Then the notes have to be read out loud and aggregated. Team members drop out all along the process, and often the result is less than satisfying. There is a lot of action and energy expended, but it soon leads to diminishing returns.

Add to the above, the loss of anonymity and the fact that often leaders intervene in the process by judging the ideas and you have a process that is screaming out to be redesigned. (See Adam Grant - The HIPPO effect -The Highest Paid Person’s Opinion).

Enter Phone Storming

The facilitator welcomes phones in the meeting. She greets the participants, and introduces them to the groupware they will be using in the session. Each participant receives access via their phone. They can see their input as well as the ideas of everyone instantly.

Participants brainstorm ideas anonymously. All ideas are visible on a large screen upfront. The participants enjoy seeing the ideas appear like magic. Some are funny and some outrageous, The group begins to set norms for creativity and humor as it focuses on the question. When enough raw data is produced, there are many options to converge.

The group can scan the data - it's on the screen and on their phones. They can call out the themes they see. This can lead to instant insights. We call this work Action Research in Real-Time.

The facilitator can have the participants star the items that are the most relevant, the best, those with the most potential. This happens fast and the entire group is engaged. Following the energy of the group, the facilitator can suggest other alternatives as well.

The raw data can be transferred to another tool (instantly) and team members can be given check votes to weigh the items and prioritize them.

A winnowed down list of the top items can be prioritized and worked separately. The entire process can be designed into any staff meeting, strategic off-site or large convention. The process we use scales really well. It can also be used over distance.

We would love to teach you how to do this. Our calling is to help you build your capacity to tap into the talent and the expertise of the people you work with. If your job involves leading teams or facilitating meetings, you need these skills. This is just the beginning. When you experience what’s possible you will say why haven’t we done this sooner.

Finally, after the session there are no sticky notes to transcribe. There is no wasted paper, The valuable information has been captured, it’s downloadable and available to those that want it. And you get to use your new superpower with another group. If you’d like to see this in action contact us. It’s free and it will be fun to meet you. Make an investment in you. Your teams will thank you. 

Kristi Earhart

Senior Human Resource Leader

4 年

I would love to!! Just let me know when. Thank you

Kristi Earhart

Senior Human Resource Leader

4 年

I love this approach Rob!? Thank you for sharing



