The 1000 books challenge - #238
Mariusz Ma?kowiak
I maximize enterprise potential through Design Thinking, Digital Marketing & Empathy Leadership | AI Enthusiast | Marketing Director | Senior IT Line Manager | UX Product Design Manager | University Lecturer
1000 books challenge 238/1000
Like always for almost 2 years I would like to share with you a list of my recent books and audiobooks. I'm more than happy to read your direct message showing that you have been inspired. I'm happy that you participate in my goal.
About the list: I started the list in 2021. The list shows books that I have read in physical form or as audiobooks ( Storytel ). Categorized into a couple of categories: Marketing, EB, Design, Agile, Performance, Self-awareness, communication, and Worldview. #MarioBookChallenge . Books with ?? I review as absolutely must-read books. ? books I found interesting.
Do you enjoy Miro ? Here you have :)
What I have read recently?
#Design Books that cover the area of UX/UI and Graphic design
Book count till now: 13
197) ?? Articulating Design Decisions - Communicate with stakeholders, keep your sanity, and deliver the best user experience - Tom Greever
#Communication Books that covers an aspect of communication in business and private area. Success n this area is crucial in a dern community.
Book count till now: 59
198) ? Psychoefekty - 50 zjawisk psychologicznych które wp?ywaj? na twoje ?ycie - Kamil Zieliński
199) ? Mówmy do siebie jak ludzie - Komunikacyjny detos - Ewa B?aszczak
200) How to win arguments - Learn strategic and powerful techniques to win arguments in an effective way. A life skill for everyone in an effective way. A life skill for everyone and a great way to become successful. - Robert Krishna
201) The art of storytelling - How to tell stories that sell, gain instant authority & build unshakeable trust & rapport fast
202) Magnetic stories - Connect with customers and engage employees with brand storytelling - Gabrielle Dolan
#Performance Books that cover aspects that have an impact on my professional performance as a manager. The best part is that it radiates to all aspects of my life like habits.
Count till now: 58
203) ?? Become an effective leader - a true leader serves his or her people - Dale Carnegie
204) The power of 7 habits - Application and insights - Stephen R. Covey
205) Living the 7 habits - Stories of courage and inspiration - Stephen R. Covey
206) ? Get shit done - Skuteczne techniki podkr?cania wydajno?ci. Pokonywania prokastynacji i zwi?kszzania rentowno?ci. - Jeffrey Gitomer
207) Coaching - the ultimate guide o make money with a coaching program business - Randolph L. Greenlane
208) Managing projects - Create your schedule, monitor your budget, meet your goals. - Harvard Business Review
209) Presentations - Sharpen your message, persuade your audience, and gauge your impact. - Harvard Business Review
210) Running meetings - Set your agenda, make progress on goals and manage conflicts. - Harvard Business Review
211) Performance reviews - Evaluate performance, offer constructive feedback and discuss tough topics. - Harvard Business Review
212) Innovative teams - Unlock creative energy, generate new ideas, and rainstorm effectively. - Harvard Business Review
213) The art of coaching - Effective strategies for school transformation - Elena Aguilar
214) ? Zmień swoje nawyki w 30 dni - Jak w prosty sposób przej?? kontrol? nad w?asnym ?yciem - Marc Reklau
215) Zen to done - proste sposoby na zwi?kszenie efektywno?ci - Leo Babauta
#SelfAwerness Books that give me a wider view of myself, my mindset, and my perception of the surrounding world. How to deal with it in my head in my mind.
Book count till now: 30
216) ? Nie daj sobie wej?? na g?ow? - Jak pozosta? sob? w kulturze zapier**lu - Jaros?aw Gibas
217) ? This is your brain on Anxiety - What happens and what helps - Gaith G. Harper, PhD, LPC-S, ASC, ACN
218) Uwierz w siebie i dzia?aj - Brian Tracy
219) Toksyczne Emocje - Bernardo Steamateas
220) Improving your mindset - Discover different tips and tricks on how to improve your brain power and achieve more in life. - Travis Green
221) Ask for more - Discover how to use the power of manifesting and visualization to achieve everything your want in life - Rosemary Wiley
222) Neuroscience of mind empowerment - Epigenetics, neuroplasticity, meditation, and music therapy - Anees Akhtar , Nasim Khn
#WorldView Books that help me answeare basic questions Who, What, Where, Why.. I am? Philosophy, Astrophysics, Quantumhysics, History, Biology, Sociology
Book count till now: 52
223) ?? Tajemnica Czasu - prof Carlo Rovelli
224) ?? Rzeczywisto??, nie jest tym czym si? wydaje.- prof Carlo Rovelli
225) ? The ascent of gravity - The quest to understand the force that explains everything - Marcus Chown
226) Higgs - odkrycie boskiej cz?stki - Jim Baggott
227) The Pluto files - the rise and fall of American's favorite planet - Neil deGrasse Tyson
228) Quantum Physics for beginners - the most interesting concepts of quantum physics made simple and practical - John Kaplan
229) The Lego Story - How a little toy sparked the world's imagination. - Jen Andersen
230) The sixth extinction - An unnatural history - Elizabeth Kolbert
231) Adidas vs Puma - Monika Balińska, Przemys?aw Andrzejewski
232) 21 success secrets of self-made millionaires - How to achieve financial independence faster and easier than you ever thought possible - Brian Tracy
233) & 234) Prostytucja - Niezwyk?a historia tom I i II - Józek Lubecki
235) Babilon - Kryminalne historie ko?cio?a - Atur Nowak , Stanis?aw Obirek
236) Eichamnn - Biurokarata holokaustu - Luigi Romalo Carrino
237) Rudolf Hess - Przydówca - zdrajca - Giancarlo Villa, Lucas Hugo
238) Goering - z?o doskona?e - Giancarlo Villa
Well, I did it I close this year with 238 positions on my 1000 book challenge list. Of course, I have already dozens of thousands of pages scheduled for 2023 year. I guess it going to be the year of Agile, Communication, and Quantum Physics for me ;)
I'm wondering, what books have you read this year?
Power speaker, Mentor, CEO, Leader, Innovator, Scrum Master, Business Trainer, Executive Coach, Coaching supervisor
1 年Wow! Niez?e wyzwanie! Mi?o mi, ?e ksia?ka Mówmy do siebie jak ludzie” za?apa?a si? na challenge??????
Frontend Developer | Creative Problem Solver | PSM & PAL Certified | Passionate about transforming business needs into working software
1 年Robert Janista maybe you will find here something interesting to read in 2023 :)