The origins of Previero N. srl date back to 1922. In that year, Natale Previero left his job as commercial traveller and opened near Como, a maintenance shop for the machinery of the textile and wood industry, the productive heart of the area at that time. Thus was born the Previero N. srl.
After the Second World War, silk factories, which had stopped their activity during the conflict or worked for the armed forces, quickly resumed their original production thanks to the growing demand of fine fabrics.
However, Oscar Previero, Natale’s son, looked beyond the traditional activities. New materials like plastics appeared on the world markets. Many greeted this discovery with indifference, whereas Oscar was one of the firsts to realise that one day this resistant and mouldable substance would become part of our daily life. In 1949, he patented the first plastic grinder for recycling clean waste.
In the following years, Oscar predictions were confirmed. The use of plastics grew unstoppably and the plastics industries demanded new machinery to which Previero gave immediate answers, such as the first blade granulators.
Today, PREVIERO has two plants near Como and since 1976 with its division SOREMA has installed its plastics washing and recycling lines worldwide.