100 Words of Wisdom?
Simon Elliot
Global Business, Growth, and Entrepreneurial Leader dealing in the currency of Human Experience.
There have been many examples of Words of Wisdom over the past 2,000 years. I wanted to take the best of them - observational, experiential, some obvious, some less and some hopefully amusing too.
LISTEN TO THE LINK: Baz Luhrmann's Suncreen
1. Civility, Discipline and Respect, ALWAYS.
2. Protect your Integrity at all times. Takes a lifetime to build and a moment to lose.
3. Never, never, NEVER Give Up.
4. Learn how to tie a bow tie. You never know when it will be handy.
5. Love your profession and your job will love you back.
7. Mute your commute. Don’t waste your life in your car, on a bus or a train.
8. If you HAVE to fight, make the first one count.
9. Perception is always greater than reality. Manage perception.
10. When entrusted with a secret, KEEP IT.
11. Enjoy the beauty of your YOUTH.
12. Just because you can, DOESN’T mean you should.
13. Never confuse ambition with ABILITY.
14. Live in NEW YORK once but leave before it makes you too hard.
15. Live in NORTHERN CALIFORNIA once but leave before you get soft.
16. Don't underestimate the power of dumb people in large groups.
17. You don't discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of shore.
18. IGNORE gossip, tittle-tattle, jealous and toxic people.
19. Be in it to WIN IT. What is the point otherwise?
20. Less said is often for the better.
21. Look BEFORE you leap.
22. A handshake BEATS an autograph.
23. You can’t bribe the door on the way to the sky. Be kind. Always.
24. Walk as if you are kissing the earth with your feet.
25. The road to hell is paved with GOOD INTENTIONS.
26. BE THE CHANGE you wish to see in the world.
27. One SURE foot in front of the other.
28. SING. It is good for the soul.
29. TREAT PEOPLE how you wish to be treated yourself.
30. Peace on earth and good will to all men. Love thy neighbor.
31. TRAVEL. It is the best education you will ever get.
32. MANNERS don't cost anything.
33. BE LOYAL. One day you might need it in return.
34. Clothes do not maketh the man (all the gear and no idea).
35. Rome wasn't built in a day.
36. It ain't over till the fat lady sings.
37. Don't judge a book by its cover.
38. Just because someone else does it, doesn't make it right.
39. Never park in front of a bar.
40. Two wrongs don't make a right.
41. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
42. You only get ONE CHANCE to notice a new haircut.
43. REMEMBER where you came from.
44. EXPECT the seat in front of you to recline. Prepare accordingly.
45. Great artists know when to STOP.
46. Who Dares Wins.
47. NEVER lie to your doctor.
48. Don’t be reckless with other people’s hearts. Don’t put up with people who are reckless with yours.
49. FAIL QUICKLY, succeed or move on to the next thing.
50. ALL GUNS are loaded.
51. Expect more, never settle for less.
52. Don’t congratulate yourself too much, nor berate yourself too much either.
53. There is no way to happiness. HAPPINESS IS THE WAY.
54. Don't procrastinate. JUST DO IT!
55. Don’t read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly.
56. Learn how to play the bagpipes.
57. Don't linger in the door way. IN or OUT.
58. It's NEVER TOO LATE for an apology.
59. Keep your wits about you. ALWAYS.
60. When you marry, remember you marry their entire family.
61. It's not enough to be proud of your ancestry, LIVE UP TO IT.
62. DON’T make a scene.
63. Don't fear what you are doing if it is RIGHT.
64. Bravely and Truly, Boldly and Rightly.
65. Make time for your Mother on your birthday, it's her special day too.
66. Give credit. Take blame.
67. Physical and MENTAL STRENGTH combined is the most potent combination.
68. Address everyone who carries a firearm professionally and with respect.
69. STAND UP to bullies. You'll only have to do it once.
70. If you've made your point, STOP TALKING.
71. ADMIT it when you're wrong
73. Say THANK YOU. Remember the bus driver, the janitor and the waiter.
74. FORGIVE YOURSELF for your mistakes.
75. Know at least one GOOD JOKE.
76. Life is a JOURNEY. Enjoy the scenery.
77. Focus on the things YOU CAN CHANGE, not those you cannot.
78. Know how to cook at least one GOOD MEAL.
79. DANCE.
80. FAIL = First-Attempt-In-Learning.
81. Do something that SCARES YOU every day.
82. Don't lose your cool, especially at work.
83. Always thank the host.
84. Be a GOOD LISTENER, don't just take your turn to talk.
85. Keep your WORD.
86. The race is long. In then end, it’s only with YOURSELF.
87. You are WHAT YOU DO, not what you say.
88. Learn to change a tire. It will probably come in handy one day.
89. BE KIND. Everyone has a hard fight ahead of them.
91. SMILE at strangers.
92. Keep your old LOVE LETTERS.
93. Know the words to your NATIONAL ANTHEM.
94. You are never too old to need your Mother.
95. Have a BUCKET LIST. Tick it off.
96. Make the little things count.
97. Buy the Railway Stations in Monopoly.
98. Don't call or email anyone before 8.00 am and after 8.00 pm.
99. Wear sunscreen.
100.Your body is the greatest instrument you will ever own. Look after it.
Would love any feedback and any recommendations of what I have missed.
11 个月? If you don't grapple with said birds there will be three in the bush. And they won't conspire against you.
Supervisor at Ruby’s Food Store
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7 年Great post, thank you!