- AVQT is Apple’s Advanced Video Quality Tool which is both a quality metric like VMAF and SSIMPLUS and a tool to produce that score like Moscow State University Video Quality Measurement Tool(VQMT) or SSIMPLUS VOD Monitor. As a tool, it is free but Mac-only and command-line driven.
- Yield is the Revenue and impression data for both direct sales (standard and sponsorship) and house or remnant inventory.
- Trafficking is the process of creating orders and ads, controlling ad delivery, and targeting ads and keywords.?
- ABR is the Adaptive Bitrate is an algorithm in which the client performs the key function of deciding which bit rate segments to download, based on the current state of the network.
- Adaptive bitrate streaming is a technique used in streaming multimedia over computer networks. While in the past most video or audio streaming technologies utilized streaming protocols such as RTP with RTSP, today's adaptive streaming technologies are almost exclusively based on HTTP and designed to work efficiently over large distributed HTTP networks such as the Internet.
- MRM is FreeWheel’s MRM is a complete video syndication ad sales rights & ad management technology that simplifies video ad sales, ad serving, and ad sales rights.?
- UHD is the Ultra-high-definition television today that includes 4K UHD and 8K UHD, which are two digital video formats with an aspect ratio of 16:9. These were first proposed by NHK Science & Technology Research Laboratories and later defined and approved by the International Telecommunication Union. It is a digital television standard, and the successor to high-definition television, which in turn was the successor to standard-definition television.
- Ad Pool is a service from the First up team which helps to increase the fill rates by monetizing unfilled inventory.?
- DSP is the demand-side platform (DSP) which is software used by advertisers to buy mobile, search, and video ads from a marketplace on which publishers list advertising inventory. These platforms allow for the management of advertising across many real-time bidding networks, as opposed to just one, like Google Ads.
- SSP is the supply-side platform or sell-side platform is a technology platform to enable web publishers and digital out-of-home (DOOH) media owners to manage their advertising inventory, fill it with ads, and receive revenue. Many of the larger web publishers of the world use a supply-side platform to automate and optimize the selling of their online media space.
- Ad-ID is a universal ID system for ads that is intended to make it easier for advertisers to manage how individual ads are delivered across media companies and tech platforms.
- Household Graph assigns an anonymized identifier to each household and deterministically links all OTT devices in the household to that identifier using Smart TVs and streaming media players like Apple TV and FireTV, which never leave the home as anchors and the household graph advertisers able to take full advantage of OTT’s targeting and measurement capabilities.?
- Google Ad Manager is an ad exchange platform from Google, and it combines the features of two former services from Google's DoubleClick for Publishers and DoubleClick Ad Exchange. It is an ad serving platform that streamlines ad management, whether we deliver ads to websites, mobile web pages, mobile apps, games, or a combination of all the above.
- Ad Creative is an image or video advertisement asset that's shown on a webpage.
- An advertiser is a company, organization, or individual looking to promote their product or service through an Ad Manager ad.
- Ad Request is an ad request that's counted whenever your site requests ads for display. It's the number of ad units that requested ads (for content ads). With each request sent, the Ad Manager reports an ad request, even without the return of any ads and the display of backup ads instead.
- Buyer is a firm that represents multiple advertisers and buys on Ad Manager on their behalf.
- Bid Request is a request sent by Google to the buyer application that describes an impression being auctioned.
- Bid Response is a response sent by the buyer application to Google that describes the bid and includes an HTML snippet for the associated creative
- CPM is a Cost per mille (thousand) and it is a standard measurement in advertising, this represents the amount an advertiser will pay, or a publisher will charge, to show 1,000 impressions to a user.
- The impression is the basic unit of online advertising. When one ad shows on a web property, that's counted as an impression. The total recorded count of each ad's impressions is what pays publishers. It doesn’t take into consideration whether or not the user viewed the ad.??
- Tag is a snippet of HTML code that, when executed by a user’s browser, makes a call to the Ad Manager.
- TV is a word that may mean different things to different people. But even with so many programming and platform choices, linear television—which delivers programming according to an established network schedule through an over-the-air, satellite, cable, or internet connection remains a mainstay in many households.?
- Media is the word that expands well beyond the realm of advertising and communications, as technology has made media an integral part of consumers’ lives from traditional TV to on-the-go mobile consumption to radio to the internet to over-the-top (OTT) video programming.?
- GRP is Gross Rating Point (GRP) Percent % is the sum of the individual unit Reach % for each quarter-hour in the schedule.
- Percent?% DMA is the percentage of the Designated Market Area’s audience that falls within a Custom Geography. For example, 80% of a DMA’s audience falls into a certain county.
- Reach is the unduplicated number of Households or Persons that watched a schedule at least once. Reach (Impressions) is Reach % expressed as a projection.
- QH Rating is within a Minute by Minute Report, the Quarter Hour (QH) Rating Metric will provide the Rating value of the Quarter Hour within which the minute falls.?
- VPVH is the Viewers Per Viewing Household is the number of viewing persons per tuning household, usually reported per 1000 viewing households.?
- ?ADR is the Automatic Dialogue Replacement which is a technique used most commonly in fiction films where inferior audio, recorded in the field, is replaced by having actors come into a studio, watch the film, listen to the field recording, and respeak their lines in a controlled environment and it is also called as a looping.
- Broadcasting is the transmission of radio waves from one point of origination to an unlimited number of receivers over a relatively large area.
- CCD is the Charge-Coupled Device which is a computer chip used as an imaging sensor in a digital still or video camera.
- Codec is the Compressor/decompressor which is a mathematical model that determines exactly how audio or video compression should take place for the delivery.?
- Reserve is the one when it is when guaranteed (non-remnant) line items are booked in Ad Manager, Ad Manager "reserves" the inventory for this line item. This inventory reservation means that the impressions are considered to be "blocked off" for other ads running at a lower priority. Ad Manager forecasting accounts for inventory reservations when calculating future impression availability.
- The parent inventory unit is the upper level of an inventory hierarchy. Every ad unit we define in our network has a parent inventory unit based on where you create the ad unit in the inventory hierarchy.
- Optimized creative rotation is an option where the Ad Manager gives roughly 75% of the impressions to the creative with the highest click-through rate, and the remaining 25% to the other creatives (to validate that the previously chosen "best" creative still has the highest click-through rate).
- Open Bidding is the process where publishers and exchanges optimize yield management with server-to-server real-time bidding that uses a publisher’s existing tagging or SDK implementation. The unified Google Ad Manager technology stack also provides simplified trafficking, reporting, and billing. Open Bidding was previously known as Exchange Bidding
- OSI is the On-schedule indicator and it is a metric that provides an indication of the pacing of an ad's delivery. This is done by comparing the average number of ads delivered each day with the optimal daily delivery.
- The line item is an advertiser's commitment to purchase a specific number of ad impressions (CPM), user clicks (CPC), or time (CPD), on certain dates at a specified price and a line item specifies where an advertiser's ads will appear and may specify when an ad may be shown.
- Jackpotting is the process where the same creative serves multiple ad units on the same page at the same time. The Google Ad Manager ad server tries to ensure that this does not happen.
- The identifier is a value assigned to a particular user or device and is used to assist in the ad serving functionality. The identifier contains no personally identifiable Information, can be reset by the user at any time, and respects user options to limit or opt out of ad tracking. Identifiers are used for audience list targeting, frequency capping, and sequential creative rotation.
- Google Publisher Tag (GPT) is a specific type of ad tag that uses a Google-provided JavaScript library to define and configure an ad request made to the Ad Manager.
- Google Publisher Console provides troubleshooting tips and information about ad performance to publishers, overlaid directly onto their website or app. It’s another way for publishers to retrieve information and take action on their Google ads as they browse their sites.
- Fluid is a native ad size that allows more flexibility when styling our ad. Ad Manager automatically sizes the ad by filling the width of the enclosing column and adjusting the height as appropriate (just like a regular HTML div on your site).
- Cookies are tiny text files that are stored on a user’s browser. Most cookies contain a unique identifier called a cookie ID: a string of characters that websites and servers associate with the browser on which the cookie is stored. This allows websites and servers to distinguish the browser from other browsers that store different cookies, and to recognize each browser by its unique cookie ID.
- DMA is a Designated Market Area. DMAs expose a specific regional market group to the same content or ads. They frequently cover one metropolitan area, in some cases grouping together multiple smaller cities. Many DMAs are available for targeting.
- AMP is an open-source initiative that aims to make the web better for all. The project enables the creation of websites and ads that are consistently fast, beautiful, and high-performing across devices and distribution patterns.
- SVOD stands for Subscription Video on Demand. This refers to video streaming services that users must subscribe to in order to access. For example, users of Netflix must pay a monthly subscription fee in order to watch their content because it is an SVOD.?
- AVOD is Ad-Supported Video on Demand (AVOD) and it is referred to as monetization of video services that are made available to the end-user at no charge but are Ad-supported by adding advertisement in any manner to the video on demand. It can either be a Freemium service or a Hybrid model of SVOD / TVOD / AVOD. AVOD services are typically cheaper than SVOD services.
- Connected TV (CTV) is one of the most exciting new frontiers for digital marketing and advertising. While some still think of TV ads in terms of conventional commercials, like those that have been common since the days of black and white TV, that technology is now ancient history. CTV is the wave of the future, and its capabilities are being enhanced almost daily.
- QoE is intelligent to maximize network quality and performance The Smart platform is a fully integrated solution platform covering all use cases and test scenarios along the lifecycle of a mobile network. Its ultimate goal is to increase network performance and maximize QoE (quality of experience) with higher productivity and efficiency.
- QoS Platform is the intelligent Network Platform based on 24x7x365 global network operations centers that continuously monitor the health of your SD-WAN network, including hub and branch offices, as well as all critical networking equipment.
- CDN is the content delivery network, or content distribution network (CDN), is a geographically distributed network of proxy servers and their data centers. The goal is to provide high availability and performance by distributing the service spatially relative to end-users. CDNs came into existence in the late 1990s as a means for alleviating the performance bottlenecks of the Internet as the Internet was starting to become a mission-critical medium for people and enterprises. Since then, CDNs have grown to serve a large portion of the Internet content today, including web objects (text, graphics, and scripts), downloadable objects (media files, software, documents), applications (e-commerce, portals), live streaming media, on-demand streaming media, and social media sites.
- DRM is a Digital Rights Management system that uses encryption to protect the content from unauthorized access and any actions like viewing, saving, copying, etc. Encryption service will encrypt the content with a key and the content gets its own ID. On the client-side, the encrypted content is first received with information about the DRM and encryption techniques being used.
- Transcoding is the direct digital-to-digital conversion of one encoding to another, such as for movie data files, audio files (e.g., MP3, WAV), or character encoding (e.g., UTF-8, ISO/IEC 8859). This is usually done in cases where a target device (or workflow) does not support the format or has a limited storage capacity that mandates a reduced file size or to convert incompatible or obsolete data to a better-supported or modern format.
- Mixed reality is the merging of real and virtual worlds to produce new environments and visualizations, where physical and digital objects co-exist and interact in real-time. Mixed reality does not exclusively take place in either the physical world or virtual world, but is a hybrid of reality and virtual reality
- OTT is an over-the-top media service that is a media service offered directly to viewers via the Internet. OTT bypasses cable, broadcast, and satellite television platforms, the types of companies that traditionally act as controllers or distributors of such content.
- PC-over-IP (PCoIP) delivers a secure, high-definition, and highly responsive computing experience. It uses advanced display compression to allow users remote access to their on-premises workstations or virtual machine instances in local data centers or public clouds from a broad range of endpoint devices.
- AVM means? Audio, Video, and Metadata
- DAW is a digital audio workstation (DAW) is an electronic device or application software used for recording, editing, and producing audio files. DAWs come in a wide f configuration from a single software program on a laptop to an integrated stand-alone unit, all the way to a highly complex configuration of numerous components controlled by a central computer. Regardless of configuration, modern DAWs have a central interface that allows the user to alter and mix multiple recordings and tracks into a final produced pie
- IP is Internet Protocol and the Internet Protocol (IP) is the network layer communications protocol in the Internet protocol suite for relaying datagrams across network boundaries. Its routing function enables internetworking and essentially establishes the Internet.
- IVS is an Amazon Interactive Video Service (Amazon IVS) is a managed live streaming solution that is quick and easy to set up, and ideal for creating interactive video experiences. Simply send your live streams to Amazon IVS and the service does everything you need to make ultra-low latency live video available to any viewer around the world, letting you focus on building interactive experiences alongside the live video.
- IBC is an International Broadcasting Convention. IBC365 is a Community Platform providing Business Knowledge for the Global Media, Entertainment & Tech Industry.
- M&E? is Media & Entertainment and the M&E industry is comprised of businesses that produce, distribute and offer ancillary digital services and products for the Motion Pictures, Television programs, and Commercials along with Streaming Content, Music, Video and Audio recordings, Broadcast, Radio, Text and Book Publishing, eSports and Video Games sectors.
- SDI is Serial Digital Interface Serial digital interface (SDI) is a standard for digital video and audio transmission over coaxial or fiber optic cabling. Speeds currently range from 270 megabits per second (Mbps) up to 12 gigabits per second (Gbps) for the latest standard released in 2015.
- OTA is over the air and it is essentially just a synonym for “wirelessly.” If something can be done OTA, that just means it happens through a network without a direct hardwired connection. OTA provisioning refers more specifically to the process of updating or modifying something wirelessly.
- MVPD is the Multichannel Video Programming Distributor (MVPD/cable) provider and it is a multichannel video programming distributor that collects subscription fees and delivers video programming services. This system is used by cable television systems, direct broadcast satellite providers, and so on.
- 5G is the ?5th generation of mobile networks or commonly known as 5G is the new global standard. 5G is based on the OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) method. Just like its predecessors, 5G offers a completely different spectrum and leverages the wider bandwidth technologies such as sub-6 GHz and mmWave.?
- eMBB is the Enhanced mobile broadband and good for speed, capacity, and mobility across wide coverage areas. It’s currently difficult to support 5x more smartphones in the same geographical area without bogging down network performance . eMBB fixes that which is a direct extension of the current 4G system and the first real commercial 5G use case.?
- M2M is the massive machine type of communications and it is best used for high-density environments with lower power, always-on applications. M2M will support massively dense networks of battery-efficient machines intermittently sending small data payloads without human intervention and M2M also makes two-way communication between machines more feasible.?
- URLLC is the Ultra-reliable, low-latency communication which is a must-have for low latency devices or systems where time is of the essence. URLLC is designed for mission-critical situations when we need reliability requirements on par with a wired connection. And the 5G promises up to a 99.9999%(six nines) reliability rate, which translates to an expected downtime of just 32 seconds a year for a connected factory.?
- DTH is the Direct to home and it is a method of receiving satellite television by means of signals transmitted from direct-broadcast satellites.?
- IPTV is Internet protocol television, aka delivery over the internet, and Internet Protocol television is the delivery of television content over Internet Protocol networks. This is in contrast to delivery through traditional terrestrial, satellite, and cable television formats. Unlike downloaded media, IPTV offers the ability to stream the source media continuously. As a result, a client media player can begin playing the content almost immediately. This is known as streaming media.
- Amazon Nimble Studio empowers creative studios to produce visual effects, animation, and interactive content entirely in the cloud, from storyboard sketch to final deliverable. Rapidly onboard and collaborate with artists globally and create content faster with access to virtual workstations, high-speed storage, and scalable rendering across AWS’s global infrastructure.
- Amazon Elastic Transcoder is a well-architected service to handle large volumes of media files and large file sizes. Transcoding pipelines enable you to perform multiple transcodes in parallel. Amazon Elastic Transcoder leverages other Amazon Web Services like Amazon S3, Amazon EC2, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Simple Workflow (SWF), and Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) to give scalability and reliability.
- Amazon Interactive Video Service is a managed live streaming solution that is quick and easy to set up, and ideal for creating interactive video experiences. Send your live streams to Amazon IVS using streaming software and the service does everything you need to make low-latency live video available to any viewer around the world, letting you focus on building interactive experiences alongside the live video. You can easily customize and enhance the audience experience through the Amazon IVS player SDK and timed metadata APIs, allowing us to build a more valuable relationship with your viewers on your own websites and applications.
- AWS Elemental Appliances & Software is designed to work with AWS Media Services, which transport, prepare, process, and deliver broadcast and over-the-top video from the AWS Cloud.
- AWS Elemental MediaConnect is a high-quality transport service for live video. Today, broadcasters and content owners rely on satellite networks or fiber connections to send their high-value content into the cloud or to transmit it to partners for distribution.
- AWS Elemental MediaConvert is a file-based video transcoding service with broadcast-grade features. It allows you to easily create video-on-demand (VOD) content for broadcast and multiscreen delivery at scale. The service combines advanced video and audio capabilities with a simple web services interface and pay-as-you-go pricing.
- AWS Elemental MediaLive is a broadcast-grade live video processing service. It lets you create high-quality video streams for delivery to broadcast televisions and internet-connected multiscreen devices, like connected TVs, tablets, smartphones, and set-top boxes. The service works by encoding your live video streams in real-time, taking a larger-sized live video source and compressing it into smaller versions for distribution to your viewers. With AWS Elemental MediaLive, you can easily set up streams for both live events and 24x7 channels with advanced broadcasting features, high availability, and pay-as-you-go pricing. AWS Elemental MediaLive lets you focus on creating compelling live video experiences for your viewers without the complexity of building and operating broadcast-grade video processing infrastructure.
- AWS Elemental MediaPackage can be used as an origin for VOD libraries. It reduces the complexity of traditional VOD origin solutions by providing just-in-time packaging and integration with third-party DRM providers through the Secure Packager and Encoder Key Exchange (SPEKE) protocol.
- AWS Elemental MediaStore is an AWS storage service optimized for media. It gives you the performance, consistency, and low latency required to deliver live streaming video content. AWS Elemental MediaStore acts as the origin store in your video workflow.
- AWS Elemental MediaTailor is a channel assembly and personalized ad insertion service for video providers to create linear OTT (internet delivered) channels using existing video content and monetize those channels, or other live streams and VOD content, with personalized advertising.
- UE is the Universe Estimates which provides the total number of households or persons in a given population. Nielsen produces UEs for the total U.S. as well as for each of the 210 DMAs. UEs are the basis for the calculation of all audience estimates. Without an accurate understanding of the entire universe, it is impossible to then understand what percentage of that universe viewed an ad or a piece of content.
- Average Audience Ratings will tell the percent of people who tuned into an average minute of the program. This metric is used in national TV ratings to buy and sell advertising during a given program. This can also be reported in projections rather than a percentage that displays the number of people who were exposed to the content in an average minute.
- Azure Media Services holds a streaming endpoint that represents a dynamic (just-in-time) packaging and origin service that can deliver your live and on-demand content directly to a client player application. It uses one of the common streaming media protocols (HLS or DASH). In addition, the Streaming Endpoint provides dynamic (just-in-time) encryption to industry-leading digital rights management systems (DRMs).
- Content Factory is the platform that Innovates and builds an agile and collaborative content factory that is efficient from acquisition to release for publication across current and new delivery platforms.
- ApsaraVideo Media Processing is a cloud service for transcoding multimedia data into various output resolutions, bit rates, and formats for unhindered playback.
- BASE Media Cloud is an innovative managed cloud services company that provides integrated cloud storage and multi-cloud Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions to a wide range of high-profile media brands, including Associated Media Publishing, COPA90, Formula E, ITV, and Objective Media Group. BASE Media Cloud powers a global media distribution portal and centralized storage hub using IBM Cloud, IBM Aspera, and IBM Cloud Object Storage technology.
- MPA is the Motion Picture Association Content Security Best Practice Guidelines that help cloud service providers and the entertainment industry assess the security of entertainment content.
- ISE is an Independent Security Evaluators which is an independent third party dedicated to ensuring the overall security posture and protection of digital assets for global enterprises. One of the audits conducted by ISE includes a security audit of cloud platforms specifically tailored for the media industry. The audit focuses on high-value workloads and demonstrates to a media organization that a cloud provider provides effective security capabilities aligned to specific industry standards and requirements.
- MTCS is a Multi-Tier Cloud Security which is a Singapore Standard (SS)584 is a cloud security certification managed by the Singapore Info-comm Media Development Authority (IMDA). This standard’s three tiers are designed to certify cloud service providers at different levels of operational security, with Tier 3 having the most stringent requirements.
- Four Types of Audience are a) Friendly where our purpose is to reinforce their beliefs, b) Apathetic where our purpose is to first convince them that it matters for them, c) Uninformed where our requirement is to educate before we can begin to propose a course of action, and d) Hostile where our purpose is to respect them and their viewpoint.
- Audience Targeting is all about serving the ads to a specific predefined audience based on behavioral attributes demographics, interests, or any other category
- DMP is a data management platform and it is a piece of software that collects, stores, and organizes data collected from a range of sources, such as websites, mobile apps, and advertising campaigns. Advertisers, agencies, and publishers use a DMP to improve ad targeting, conduct advanced analytics, look-alike modeling, and audience extension.?
- First-party party data is information gathered straight from a user or customer and is considered to be the most valuable form of data as the advertiser or publisher has a direct relationship with the user (e.g. the user has already engaged and interacted with the advertiser).?
- Second-party data is essentially first-party data from a different company and much less common than first- or even third-party data and. The information is initially collected in the form of 1st-party data and then passed on to another advertiser through a partnership agreement, which then becomes second-party data.?
- 3rd-party data is collected from a range of different sources and sold on to advertisers and used for audience targeting.?
- UDIM stands for U-Dimension. UDIM is a way of creating a single linear number that identifies each integer block in UV space.
- Audience extension is a process that allows advertisers to reach a publisher’s audience across many different websites. By carrying out audience extension, publishers can increase revenue from their audience without having to increase their amount of inventory and it is also known as ad space.