100 Take Aways from Confes'16
Confes'16 has come to an end, but we say, this is just the beginning.
I thank you all for being a part of Confes’16 : The First International Control Room Festival.
The growth we’ve experienced over the years is because of customers like you, who faithfully support Pyrotech Workspace.
We have received numerous responses from all the Confes'16 Delegates.
We appreciate your trust, and we’ll do our best to continue to give you the kind of service you deserve.
Accept our sincere apologizes for any inconvenience caused to you during the entire course of time.
It is only because of presence of dignitaries like you that we could make Confes’16 a grand success.
Before the event started, we promised you that you will get 100 TAKE AWAYS before it ends. We have summarized all of it and attached it for your reference.
We bring you 100 Take Aways from Confes'16.