#100 Quotes from the book "100 Quotes That Will Change Your life"............
#Great deal of motivation .............

#100 Quotes from the book "100 Quotes That Will Change Your life"............

#let's Go for a ride !!!!!!!!................

1. Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. - Winston Churchill

2. Believe you can and you're halfway there. - Theodore Roosevelt

3. Your time is limited, don't waste it living someone else's life. - Steve Jobs

4. Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it. - Charles R. Swindoll

5. The only way to do great work is to love what you do. - Steve Jobs

6. Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant. - Robert Louis Stevenson

7. If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things. - Albert Einstein

8. The best way to predict your future is to create it. - Abraham Lincoln

9. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.- Franklin D. Roosevelt

10. If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else. - Booker T. Washington

11. In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. - Martin Luther King Jr.

12. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. - Eleanor Roosevelt

13. Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. - Mark Twain

14. Don't let yesterday take up too much of today. - Will Rogers

15. The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. - Nelson Mandela

16. Life is what we make it, always has been, always will be. - Grandma Moses

17. Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail. - Charles Kettering

18. The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude. - Oprah Winfrey

19. It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.- Aristotle Onassis

20. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. - John Barrymore

21. Never give up on something that you can't go a day without thinking about. - Winston Churchill

22. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. - Albert Schweitzer

23. If you look at what you have in life, you'll always have more. If you look at what you don't have in life, you'll never have enough. - Oprah Winfrey

24. Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm. - Winston Churchill

25. Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions. - Dalai Lama

26. Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

27. The best revenge is massive success. - Frank Sinatra

28. The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why. - Mark Twain

29. Success is not how high you have climbed, but how you make a positive difference to the world. - Roy T. Bennett

30. The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today. - Franklin D. Roosevelt

31. Life is 10 percent what happens to you and 90 percent how you respond to it.- Lou Holtz

32. Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn. - Harriet Beecher Stowe

33. Happiness is not the absence of problems, it's the ability to deal with them. - Steve Maraboli

34. There are no mistakes, only opportunities. - Tina Fey

35. If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes. - Andrew Carnegie

36. I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have. - Thomas Jefferson

37. Opportunity does not knock, it presents itself when you beat down the door. - Kyle Chandler

38. It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves. - William Shakespeare

39. The more you know yourself, the more clarity there is. Self-knowledge has no end. - Jiddu Krishnamurti

40. Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. - John Wooden

41. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. - Edmund Burke

42. Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. - Seneca

43. It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. - Confucius

44. The greatest gift of life is friendship, and I have received it. - Hubert H. Humphrey

45. The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go. - Dr. Seuss

46. The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing. - Socrates

47. What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals. - Zig Ziglar

48. The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it. - Steve Jobs

49. The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. - Nelson Mandela

50. The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. - Mahatma Gandhi

51. Don't let yesterday take up too much of today.- Will Rogers

52. The biggest challenge in life is being yourself… in a world trying to make you like everyone else. - Unknown

53. Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. - Winston Churchill

54. Believe you can and you're halfway there. - Theodore Roosevelt

55. Your time is limited, don't waste it living someone else's life. - Steve Jobs

56. Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it. - Charles R. Swindoll

57. The only way to do great work is to love what you do. - Steve Jobs

58. Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant. - Robert Louis Stevenson

59. If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things. - Albert Einstein

60. The best way to predict your future is to create it. - Abraham Lincoln

61. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. - Franklin D. Roosevelt

62. If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else. - Booker T. Washington

63. In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.- Martin Luther King Jr.

64. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. - Eleanor Roosevelt

65. Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. - Mark Twain

66. Don't let yesterday take up too much of today.- Will Rogers

67. The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. - Nelson Mandela

68. Life is what we make it, always has been, always will be. - Grandma Moses

69. Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail. - Charles Kettering

70. The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude.- Oprah Winfrey

71. It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.- Aristotle Onassis

72. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. - John Barrymore

73. Never give up on something that you can't go a day without thinking about. - Winston Churchill

74. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. - Albert Schweitzer

75. If you look at what you have in life, you'll always have more. If you look at what you don't have in life, you'll never have enough. - Oprah Winfrey

76. Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm. - Winston Churchill

77. Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions. - Dalai Lama

78. Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

79. The best revenge is massive success. - Frank Sinatra

80. The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why. - Mark Twain

81. Success is not how high you have climbed, but how you make a positive difference to the world. - Roy T. Bennett

82. The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today. - Franklin D. Roosevelt

83. Life is 10 percent what happens to you and 90 percent how you respond to it. - Lou Holtz

84. Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn. - Harriet Beecher Stowe

85. Happiness is not the absence of problems, it's the ability to deal with them. - Steve Maraboli

86. There are no mistakes, only opportunities. - Tina Fey

87. If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes. - Andrew Carnegie

88. I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have. - Thomas Jefferson

89. Opportunity does not knock, it presents itself when you beat down the door. - Kyle Chandler

90. It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves. - William Shakespeare

91. The more you know yourself, the more clarity there is. Self-knowledge has no end. - Jiddu Krishnamurti

92. Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. - John Wooden

93. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. - Edmund Burke

94. Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. - Seneca

95. It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. - Confucius

96. The greatest gift of life is friendship, and I have received it. - Hubert H. Humphrey

97. The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go. - Dr. Seus

98. The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing. - Socrates

99. What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals. - Zig Ziglar

100. The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it. - Steve Job

#Let's celebrate the century of life changing moments#InspiringCentennial: Embracing 100 Life-Altering Quotes ............

#The pages seem more motivated, as if the line of words is just perpetually moving, as if the motives of motivations never want to come to an end. Here are the 100 quotes from legendary minds. Just go with the flow of profound inspiration.

101, Change brings pain, pain brings suffering, suffering brings tolerance, tolerance brings thinking, thinking brings knowledge, knowledge brings understanding, understanding brings wisdom and wisdom makes life bearable. ??



