100 Liters Per day Liquid Nitrogen Production Plant
Aditya Agrawal
Sales Director (International Sales & Marketing) @UNIVERSAL BOSCHI- Oxygen Plant | Nitrogen Plant Manufacturer Company.
For producing nitrogen for industrial and medical applications, a liquid nitrogen production plant is used for generating nitrogen. Cryogenic process is used as it is the most efficient technique for production of high purity nitrogen. It is nonmetallic element that a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas that is most abundantly found in the Earth’s atmosphere. It is also a constituent of all living beings. The non-metallic element comprises of around 78.09% of earth’s atmosphere by volume and 75.51% by weight. This forms the main source of nitrogen produced for commercial and industrial purposes. In its free form, nitrogen is found in many meteorites, gases of volcanoes, mines and numerous mineral springs. It is also found in the sun, in some stars and nebulae.
Application of liquid nitrogen production plant in different industries
Chemical industry
Nitrogen is primarily used for prevention of oxidation or decaying of a product. It is also used for toning down a reactive as an inert diluent. The nonmetallic element is also useful for preventing fire and explosions besides being useful as a carrier to eliminate heat or chemicals.
Food industry
Nitrogen is used for stopping spoilage that occurs due to oxidation, mold, or insects. Liquid nitrogen or LN2 finds applications in freeze drying and refrigeration systems.
Electrical industry
Nitrogen is used for preventing oxidation and numerous other chemical reactions. Other applications of nitrogen in electrical industry include pressurizing of cable jackets and shielding motors.
Metal industry
There are numerous applications of nitrogen in metal industry including in welding, soldering, and brazing where it aids in prevention of oxidation, carburization, and decarburization.
Rubber & plastic industry
Nitrogen is nonreactive gas; this characteristic of nitrogen is used for making foamed rubber, plastic ad eleastomers besides acting as a propellant gas for aerosol cans. It is also used for pressurizing pressurize liquid propellants for reaction jets.
Medical industry
Use of nitrogen in medicine include preservation of preserve blood, bone marrow, tissue, bacteria, and semen with liquid nitrogen(LN2), which is also very useful in carrying out research in the field of cryogenics.
Process of liquid nitrogen production plant
Functioning of liquid nitrogen system is based on the process of Linde & Claude, which was developed in 1930s. The process has continued to be updated with the new developments in the field of cryogenic research. Production of nitrogen starts with compression of atmospheric air in the air separation unit (ASU) followed by liquefaction and then separation into nitrogen and oxygen. Subsequently, distillation of nitrogen in the low pressure distillation column to commercial specification is carried out. Similarly, liquid oxygen plant uses the same cryogenic distillation process for generation of oxygen.