? Start each day with a glass of water.
? Leave work on time.
? Ask for help.
? Floss your teeth.
? Wear a seatbelt.
? Learn to say ‘no’.
? Reread great books.
? Savour a mug of coffee.
? Be grateful for other’s successes.
? Smell the roses.
? Keep moving.
? Treat your body well.
? Play your favourite song often.
? Watch Shawshank redemption ??
? Go to the GP.
? Take a vitamin D supplement during the winter months.
? Sleep your way to the top – head out of the gutter, I mean don’t neglect sleep in order to be able to give your best ??
? Hang around with people who help you feel good about yourself.
? Breathe.
? Tell a joke – hear the one about the butter? Can’t tell you, you will only spread it!
? Have a lie in.
? Tell someone you love them.
? Buy into something greater than yourself.
? Work hard recover harder.
? Have a tech free day.
? Remember that exercise is the cheapest mood enhancer on the market.
? Have difficult conversations sooner rather than later.
? Be kind.
? Learn something new.
? See adversity as a challenge not a threat.
? Make time for healthy food prep – a nutrition workout ??
? Keep your workspace clean.
? Remember the best gifts you can give someone are time and attention.
? Learn to laugh at yourself.
? Retain your childlike awe at the world.
? Dance like nobody is watching.
? Be your own best friend.
? Success take sacrifice – learn to enjoy the process.
? Accept what you can and can’t control.
? Let sunlight in early.
? Light a scented candle.
? Develop relaxation rituals.
? We regret not taking a chance more than taking one and failing.
? Wear a helmet.
? Be vulnerable.
? Wear your heart on your sleeve.
? Go to your favourite restaurant.
? Allow yourself that rewarding bit of chocolate guilt free.
? Acknowledge the grey areas – it’s usually not all his/her or your fault…
? Go for a walk.
? Stop to appreciate the view.
? Take holidays.
? Your work life is a marathon not a sprint.
? Lift mental health stigma by talking about how you really feel.
? Remember that sometimes you need help and sometimes you give help.
? Remember it’s a privilege and not a pressure to look after loved ones.
? Don’t sweat the small stuff.
? Breathe in for 4 and out for 4.
? When thinking negatively ask yourself what would this thinking look like if I flip the script to positive?
? Give a compliment – remember what it feels like to receive them.
? Unfollow, unfriend, stop following anyone who doesn’t contribute to your wellness.
? Dress up, look fresh, go out.
? Don’t stop moving.
? Hide the phone for a few hours.
? Stretch from head to toe.
? Remember that too many good ideas cancel each other out, pursue the meaningful few over the trivial many.
? Speak your mind, your voice matters.
? Ask questions.
? Get a massage.
? Read Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings.
? Dream big.
? Ask, “how would I go about this if failure was not an option?”
? Drink another glass of water.
? Hug, kiss, make love, we’re physical beings ??
? Listen to hot chocolate, you sexy thing.
? Don’t suffer in silence.
? Step out of your mind and into your body.
? Remember there is no “I” in team. And don’t be cheeky and say, but there is a “me” ??
? See the world.
? Learn from other cultures.
? Seek first to understand.
? Be humble.
? Say please and thank you.
? Leave yourself with plenty of time to get there.
? Be random on occasion!
? Go on, enjoy an aul scoop of ice cream.
? Pet a dog.
? Notice the joy and mystery in a child’s eyes.
? Swim in the sea or just listen to the waves ??
? Don’t apologise for being you.
? Improve your diet by focussing on adding in the good stuff, not thinking about what you need to cut out.
? Real men cry!
? Find out about this thing called mindfulness.
? Watch Paddington.
? Keep souvenirs.
? Remember those who are gone can live on through us and the values and qualities we took from them.
? Sit on your sit bones.
? Try and say bubbles in a really loud and angry voice.
? Have a bath.
? Replay an incident that had you in stitches of laughter in your mind.
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3 年Some good ones here Declan Treanor but can’t say I agree with them all ( ps not being negative … I’m positive I don’t agree with them all)! Take care!