100 dollar perfume
Dear Diary –
I prefer? ‘Dear Dairy.’? cuz I’m cheezy.
Yessiree bob, start off the day with a joke and you’ll find the world still steps on your bunions.??
Amy and i just got back from a mad shopping spree (‘mad’ for us – and our sprees are more like gentle spring zephyrs.)
She bought 100 dollar perfume at Dillards.
We bought 6 frames at Dollar Tree for my growing collection of stamp sheets, so I can display them on our living room wall (to the awe of absolutely nobody.)
We splurged like drunken lascars at Sonic, gorging on an order of large fries and a medium chocolate shake.
We also went to the bank and to the library for books and videos.
Anywho – we are now home and I’m too pooped to pop. I’m in my pajamas, Amy is doing some stepping exercises, and we’re watching The Ghost Writer (some british spy hoo-ha that is undoubtedly going to lull me to sleep before you can say ‘Bonar Law.) (But since I just had my daily dose of Metamucil I may instead be jumping onto the can like a circus acrobat.)
This morning as I prepared to go out with my sign I chatted with Amy about feeling like my poem were just a waste – that I should just do t-shirt slogan things like “The End is Far” or “Please Help. I’m Norwegian.”? Amy, bless her soul, said that if I took it to God He would make sure that my poetry got recognized and rewarded. So I wrote my haiku and went out and made enough this morning to afford that milk shake and french fries at Sonics.
All in all, this has been a very good day. The headache, back ache and knee pain didn’t kick in until nearly 5 p.m. – and that’s unusually late in the day for me.
Did you know that Sarawak has had its own stamps since 1869?? I thought not. This is vital information if you intend to impress a philatelist – many of whom are filthy rich and ready to give their money away to any bonehead who grins at them.
May you, and I, be those boneheads . . .??