100 Days at SHARE
Catriona Hill, Digital Learning and Development Executive at SHARE

100 Days at SHARE

Catriona joined SHARE in June this year with a background in teaching in further education.

In 2017 Catriona attended the University of Stirling where she graduated with a 2:1 degree in teaching in further education. Upon leaving the university she secured a full time Lecturer position in North East Scotland College. During her time in the North East her love for further education grew whilst developing her skills she had studied while at University.

The most challenging time of her lecturing position came when COVID-19 hit the UK. During this time the college building was closed but studying for the students had to continue. Some of the materials were already accessible on the college’s LMS platform but there was a lot of development needed to ensure the level of tuition that the students needed did not falter under these challenging times.

During this time, Catriona developed her skillset further by adapting her teaching approach to online learning. Through the help of the college and the team she worked with, together they brain stormed and developed online materials and classes to help replace the classes they would have been taking in person, to online learning.

The development of using digital technology to stimulate learning really spoke to Catriona and this filled a passion for online learning. In this fast paced, ever changing world, the idea that you can learn whenever works for you, really spoke to Catriona.

When the job of the Digital Learning and Development Executive with SHARE was advertised she was excited to see where this role could take her and the skill set she could bring to the company. On learning at the interview that SHARE was looking to develop its online learning platform to transform it into a place where professionals can develop their understanding of a chosen subject she wanted to be involved and help to transform participants’ lives through learning.

During the first 100 days of working for SHARE Catriona has been involved in planning the development of our new LMS platform and has undergone training with Access to help launch the new learning platform later this year. She has developed her e-learning content creation knowledge through Articulate 360 training, where she has achieved a storyline expert certificate.

Catriona said “All of the training was very exciting but none quite made the hairs stand up on your back of your neck, like the team building trip to Edinburgh Dungeons! This was a great day out with the team.”

Having worked for SHARE for a few months now, Catriona is really settling into her role and enjoying developing the new LMS site to be launched later this year. She feels very blessed to be working with such a great team and excited for the future ahead for the company.



