?? 100 Days of Python Challenge Syllabus (Beginner to Advanced)??  (by masaudsec)

?? 100 Days of Python Challenge Syllabus (Beginner to Advanced)?? (by masaudsec)

?? Day 1-10: Python Basics & Syntax

1. Python Installation & Setup (IDEs: PyCharm/VSCode)

2. Print Statements, Variables, Data Types (int, float, str)

3. Input Handling, Type Casting

4. Arithmetic & Comparison Operators

5. Strings: Methods, Slicing, Formatting (f-strings)

6. Lists & Basic List Operations

7. Tuples vs. Lists

8. Dictionaries & Sets

9. Conditional Statements (if-elif-else)

10. While Loops & For Loops

?? Day 11-20: Functions & Modules

11. Functions: Definition, Parameters, Return Values

12. Lambda Functions, args & kwargs

13. Scope: Global vs Local Variables

14. Modules & Packages (Importing, name == "_main_")

15. Math Module, Random Module

16. File Handling (Read/Write/Append)

17. Error Handling (try-except-finally)

18. Custom Exceptions

19. Working with JSON Data

20. Virtual Environments (venv/pipenv)

?? Day 21-30: OOP & Advanced Concepts

21. Introduction to OOP (Classes & Objects)

22. Constructors (_init_), Methods, Self

23. Inheritance & Method Overriding

24. Encapsulation (Public/Private Members)

25. Polymorphism & Duck Typing

26. Magic Methods (_str, __repr_)

27. Decorators (@staticmethod, @classmethod)

28. Generators & Yield Keyword

29. Iterators vs. Iterables

30. Working with Databases (SQLite Basics)

?? Day 31-40: Data Structures & Algorithms

31. Stacks & Queues (Implementation)

32. Linked Lists (Singly/Doubly)

33. Recursion & Factorial Problems

34. Binary Search, Linear Search

35. Sorting Algorithms (Bubble, Merge, Quick)

36. Time & Space Complexity (Big O)

37. Hash Tables & Collision Handling

38. Tree Data Structures (Binary Trees)

39. Graph Theory Basics (DFS/BFS)

40. Algorithm Challenges (LeetCode/HackerRank)

?? Day 41-50: Web Scraping & Automation

41. HTTP Requests (requests library)

42. BeautifulSoup for Web Scraping

43. Scrape Tables & Dynamic Content

44. Selenium Basics (Automate Browsers)

45. Regular Expressions (re module)

46. Web Scraping Project (e.g., Weather Data)

47. Working with APIs (GET/POST Requests)

48. JSON Parsing & API Authentication

49. Build a Web Bot (Automate Tasks)

50. Advanced Scraping: Proxies & Headers

?? Day 51-60: Web Development (Flask/Django)

51. Introduction to Flask

52. Routing & URL Building

53. Jinja2 Templates (HTML Rendering)

54. Flask Forms & WTForms

55. Database Integration (Flask-SQLAlchemy)

56. User Authentication & Sessions

57. REST APIs with Flask-RESTful

58. Introduction to Django & MTV Architecture

59. Django Models & Migrations

60. Django Admin Panel & ORM

?? Day 61-70: Advanced Python Libraries

61. NumPy: Arrays & Operations

62. Pandas: DataFrames & Series

63. Data Cleaning & Preprocessing

64. Matplotlib: Basic Plotting

65. Seaborn for Statistical Visualizations

66. Introduction to Machine Learning (scikit-learn)

67. Basic Regression Model

68. Classification with Decision Trees

69. Web Development with FastAPI

70. Asynchronous Programming (async/await)

?? Day 71-80: Advanced Projects & Automation

71. Build a To-Do CLI App

72. Password Manager with Encryption

73. Discord Bot with discord.py

74. Automate Excel/CSV Tasks (openpyxl)

75. Email Automation (smtplib)

76. Build a Blog with Django

77. E-commerce API with REST

78. Data Analysis Project (Pandas)

79. GUI App with Tkinter/PyQt

80. Multi-threading & Multiprocessing

?? Day 81-90: Cloud & Deployment

81. Git & GitHub (Version Control)

82. Docker Basics (Containerization)

83. Deploy Flask App on Heroku/AWS

84. CI/CD Pipelines (GitHub Actions)

85. Working with AWS S3/Lambda

86. MongoDB & NoSQL Basics

87. Firebase Integration (Python)

88. Advanced SQL (PostgreSQL)

89. Caching with Redis

90. Serverless Architecture

?? Day 91-100: Mastery & Career Prep

91. Design Patterns (Singleton, Factory)

92. Microservices Architecture

93. Advanced Pandas (Time Series)

94. Unit Testing (pytest/unittest)

95. Code Optimization & Profiling

96. Build a Portfolio Website

97. Mock Interviews & DSA Practice

98. Open-Source Contributions

99. Freelancing Tips & Upwork Profile

100. Final Project: Full-Stack App (Frontend + Backend + Database)

?? Tips:

- Code daily (minimum 2 hours).

- Use GitHub to track progress.

- Join Python communities (Reddit, Discord).

- Watch Corey Schafer, Tech With Tim, and FreeCodeCamp tutorials on YouTube.

- Revise previous days’ topics every weekend!

?? You’ll be a Python Pro by Day 100!


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