10 years on from mine collapsed in Beaconsfield, Tasmania.
Anton Guinea
Leadership Coach ? Leadership Trainer ? Leadership Speaker Helping Operations & Safety Managers create psychologically safe and high performing teams without the fluff ?? Ask me about Leadership Training
We are now ten years on from April, 2006, when that mine collapsed in Beaconsfield, Tasmania. Larry Knight (44), Brant Webb (37) and Todd Russell (34), were the three miners who remained unaccounted for. Larry Knight subsequently passed away, but Brant and Todd were rescued on May 9, many days after the collapse. It was a triumphant day for the two men, their families, and all of Australia, who had been following their journey and waiting with baited breath to see if they could be rescued and survive what could have taken their lives. I was lucky enough to speak with Todd Russell (great guy) to a group of workers in Port Hedland, and I was moved by the story, and I took away some key messages. The three key things that I took away from Todd’s talk are listed below (and these are so applicable to our business lives).
Firstly, and the most obvious message, is that life is about hard knocks, and getting buried … Getting buried under paper work, under client requests, under unpaid invoices and a range of other issues that are constant challenges for the small business owner. Even at the worst times in your life, when you think the rubble is just too heavy to move, guess what – there is always a way. And, there is someone, or something, coming to save you! You are not alone, stay strong, ration out that last muesli bar, and get on with it until the situation passes or until help arrives.
Secondly, the rescue effort for Todd and Brant was extremely risky. It was done by professionals who were flown in especially. But, no matter what you do in business, or in life for that matter, you will be faced with risk. You will be faced with uncertainty, and you will be faced with the possibility of failure. My wisdom on this one is to stare life in the eye. Do something every day that scares you. Do what it takes to face your fears! Bring the risk on and manage the risk in such a way that the reward at the end of it was well worth the effort and fear along the way.
Thirdly, make the most of a bad situation. Todd (more than Brant) now travels widely and speaks to people about staying safe at work. He talks about being trapped in a mine, and he takes his audiences through the rescue process and the rescue journey. It is an amazing talk, and I hung off any word. Some people have issues with making a living following a life event. I think that people have an obligation to share their story, so that others can learn from it. So, as you grow, learn from your mistakes. Turn the challenges into opportunities! Turn the failures into wins. Turn the defeats into knowledge. And, go out and mentor others. Share your knowledge and experience and make the world a better place!!!
Now, this article does not do the Todd and Brant story any justice, but I love what I learnt from this guy. It reinforced to me that life is too short. Next time you see me and I am going flat out, it is because I (more than most) realize it could all be over in an instant. Make the most of every moment!!!
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