10 Workouts That Get You Off The Couch
By Margaret Hasan

10 Workouts That Get You Off The Couch

#workouts #health #stamina #physical #energy

Add working out to your working life.

If you’re like many of us, the reminder that you should work out has intermittently hit your avoidance like a knock at the back of your brain. Every time the mirror shows those spots that need tightening, or you’re too soon out of breath when climbing stairs, the knocking could become louder.

As you flabbily shuffle past a fitness center, you see firm, fit, health lovers acting out their devotion on treadmills and ellipticals. Is seems wherever you go there are firm bodies on outside runs, bikes, or skateboards, causing the knocking to echo louder at the back of your head.

Finally, you submit to getting off the couch and exploring some form of work out.

The decision can be overwhelming. After daily tackling busy schedules, we want to relax into a state of vegetation before somnambulating into bed for comatose relief. Where does working out fit into that schedule?

Putting in the time, let alone the money, to work out requires a different look at living – a full change in lifestyle. But the change can become welcomed.

So how do you start your conversion into an active lifestyle? First, check with your doctor to identify any physical limitations. Once you’re okayed for activity, find the workout that’s best for you.

Remember to always begin with lighter warm-up stretches and cool down with the same. Ready?

Here are 10 fitness activities that can lure you off the couch.

1.?????Dumbbells for Dummies

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No dummies here. But we sometimes give dumbbells a bum rap when body builders’ biceps outweigh our preferences for a personal look. Dumbbell work outs start by targeting your core. Core-level is where dumbbells internally tighten and strengthen those loose spots. The source of fitness is internal body strength and lives within the fit muscles of your trunk, your solar plexus, your core.

Undergarment shapers can cover up what needs tightening. You can show up to the world as fit and in shape. Shapers help suits or dresses hang smoothly when you need to make a more in-shape impression. But there’s always the moment of unveiling. You’re not really living your truth.

Dumbbells have the workout answer and can even begin as part of your on-the-couch moments. If you don’t have dumbbells at hand, use a heavy book. As you couch-sit watching the at-moment best of TV, pump the book up and down with either hand. The feeling in your stomach area is your core actively coming to life. There’s even a plus. Core strength helps grow your total strength.

Once you graduate from couch workouts, check out a wealth of inventive dumbbell exercises to use in your daily routine. Once your strength increases, you can use weightier dumbbells, add weights to your ankles during runs, or even add weights to your stretches. Lift dumbbells to lift your core.

2.?????Outdoor Cycling, Together With Nature

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At times, you may feel the call to venture into new territory using local travel as a workout. Outdoor cycling answers that call. It also challenges your balance in varied conditions, weather and landscapes. Radical turns, intersections, rough roads demand your attention and perception as well as your physical stamina. Hills and terrain depressions will also test your focus. The outdoor cycling challenge is a full calorie-burner.

Get your equipment in shape. You’ll need a safe, reliable all-terrain bike. Remember your tire pressure and become somewhat familiar with your biking course. Some road surprises can hurt. If you can, cycle with a buddy. Remember, you can stop along the way and enjoy nature while you catch your breath.

If you’re an indoor cycle buff, don’t worry. Outdoor cycling will never replace the indoor experience. It’s simply a way to combine sun, cycle and scenery.

3.?????Consider Resistance Bands

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Resistance can sound exhausting. You may imagine yourself pushing at heavy weights that threaten to crush your efforts. But resistance workouts don’t need to be weighty. Think, resistance bands. Resistance bands are lightweight, but strong, stretchy strap-like lengths of elasticity that ‘resist’ your pull. They are affordable and easy to carry. Trainers usually recommend resistance bands to beginners at working out and to those with physical limitations who still want a good workout.

No misunderstanding, this workout isn’t wimpish. Resistance bands merely present a challenge without stressing your body. You can work out on a time limit without carrying bulky equipment.

Resistance bands boost stamina and elevate body cohesion. Movements are measured, stable, and steady, maintaining tension on the band. Use different forms to give your chest, upper back, triceps, shoulders, or biceps a workout that builds strength and flexibility. As you grow in strength, you can add forms and positions. Avoid snapping the bands back upon yourself. That hurts.

A resistance band workout two times a week can produce marked improvement in your strength and vitality.

4.?????HIIT, Go Hard, Not Long

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If you’ve been active for a while and are passionate about working out, High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) could be your go-to. And guess what, this exercise series takes only 20-30 minutes.

HIIT intentionally starts with a lighter force of exertion and moves to as strenuous a workout as you like. From cardio-based High Knees to the cardio fusion Mountain Climber, your purpose is to move consistently toward your target of breathlessness, conditioning your core, legs and arms. Often, the strategy is 1-minute at low-intensity that incrementally increases to your maximum cardio level, then returning to low intensity for another 2 minutes. This alternating rate of energy exertion continues throughout your workout timeline. The closer you move to your workout max, the more you invigorate the cardio and bolster your core.

Be inventive. Combine HIIT workouts that target different muscle groups. You’ll appreciate the variety and results.

5.?????Stand-Up To Paddle Boarding

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Stand-up paddle boarding is becoming a workout meme. There’s a lot of high-pitched voicing on the theme, but so far, the chatter hasn’t delved much into specifics. Let’s take an elemental look at paddle boarding and what type of work out this water sport provides. On the ocean, lake or river, stand-up paddle boarding is a great way to see nature while enjoying the surf, freshwater serenity, or flowing currents.

The open ocean may seem somewhat daunting. You can begin with the usual paddle board experience in the calm of a lake or river. Start by using your arms to propel you as you lie or kneel on the paddle board. With practice or instruction, graduate to stand-up paddle boarding and possibly also to the ocean.

Stand-up paddle boarding brings a fun-filled workout that embraces your body, developing core strength, and advancing cardio stamina, while sharpening your balance and stimulating flexibility. Strengthening happens without lower body stress, making this sport enjoyable as well as beneficial.

Start with a wider board and choose a paddle made for the sport. As your interest and capacity progresses you can consider other board types.

For a stress-relieving workout, stand-up paddle boarding is a fit and fun water sport.

6.?????Beach?Volleyball, Please

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Never forget the beach volleyball workout. This socially popular recreation can add lively fun to any beach trip. The healthy sunlit sport works on your speed and boosts your strength. Running for the ball, jumping to catch and return a serve, breathing deeply with the exercise, and rotating into positions to serve or receive, place this enjoyable sport in the great workout category.

Volleyball burns off calories for significant weight loss results over time. The workout also reduces high blood pressure, works towards preventing heart problems and aids in the reduction of complications from diabetes. Running on sand is also low impact while increasingly exercising your legs and ankles. Key indicators for volleyball are strength, endurance, and balanced muscle development.

7.?????Park Strength Training You Deserve

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Use the standing structures in outdoor places as workout tools. Perform high curb step-ups, then squats, working your legs and core, burning calories and boosting your heart rate.

Or turn your back to a bench. Place your hands on the bench seat. Bend you knees until your bottom is level with the bench. Lower yourself as far as you can. Then lift to starting level.

Find incline stairs. Stretch one leg over 3 stairs and squat, keeping your back flat and upright. Repeat with the other leg.

These are a few park ideas to get you started. Check out other ideas on videos and blogs.

8.?????Amazing Trail Runs

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If you’re looking for a strong workout that focuses primarily on cardio-vascular conditioning, trail running is a great choice. Not only for the scenic activity, but also for an ultimate and invigorating energy boost, trail running can become workout regularity. The physical benefits are cardio conditioning, a toned bottom, a strengthened core, and well-developed quadriceps.

Wear shoes specially designed for the run. Start with wider groomed trails on flat surfaces, minimizing accidents caused by unexpected variances on unfamiliar terrains. For safety bring a running buddy. On natural trails keep your eyes on the ground to anticipate bumps, irregular surfaces, or any obstructions that could cause you to trip or fall.

The natural trail run is at first slower and more intense than a flat trail run. When you’re tired, just stop and enjoy the scenery around you. As you regain your breath continue the run. Time yourself to stay on schedule, know the challenges of similar trails, and monitor your run improvement.

Trail running is the boost your cardiovascular system and muscles will appreciate.

9.?????Outdoors For Work Outs

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There are countless ways to experience the outdoors during a workout. Step, dance, aerobics, yoga, Pilates or meditation classes and workouts can happen under the sun as well as indoors. Outside workouts remove the more strictly managed structure implicit in indoor instruction and participation. After the workout find a relaxing spot and unwind into post-workout comfort, even meditate.

Independent workouts also do well outdoors. First a 3 to 5-minute stretch and warming up. Your next moves can be leaps; a tightrope walk along a trail for strength and balance; hops, jogging, or whatever your interest and creativity bring.

10.?????Never Too Busy

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Limited time and fat schedules are real and substantial interrupters to scheduling a workout agenda. No worry. Workout during your busy schedule. While the potatoes are boiling, take two large juice containers from the fridge and work your biceps. As you bake the cookies, do some planks, lunges, or stretches. Place your hands on the edge of your counter and walk your feet forward then backward using the counter for support.

At the office relieve stress and pump up your stamina while at your desk. Chair abs, lifting your legs and bending your knees-then straightening your legs, strengthen your core, hips and legs. Relieve back pain as you sit by rolling your shoulders forward with your head down-then rolling your shoulders and head back. Or in your chair, twist to the right and left from your waist.

Check out blogs and videos for more options. There are so many ways to make time out of no time for workouts.

Finishing Up

There you have it. 10 activities that lure you into agility. Later, after reviving your mobility, you can still embrace couch moments. But still keep your workouts in working order.


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