10 Work Habits for Employees to be Effective...
Traits of an Effective Employee

10 Work Habits for Employees to be Effective...

We have seen and criticized bosses many times in our life but did any of us saw ourselves from boss's eye and learned what they expect from us. There are best 10 career inputs that we can trigger in creating a workable environment for us and for our colleagues...

1. Take initiative

Don't drag yourselves from work and find ways to run out of office all the time. Show your boss that you take interest and here to learn his ways.

2. Show concern

To be a boss is not easy know it. Be sympathetic with your boss and show him that you care and want to lift half of his burden.

3. Don't expect

We all know that we mainly work for a comfortable living and in the end having the earning desire that usually takes over us. Believe it your boss knows that too and, he is eager to help. So, try to be on terms with your boss and keep him happy by doing your duties well and effectively. Your boss would eventually have no other way but to pay you off.

4. Don't keep complaining

Don't keep complaining about your problems all the time. Your boss has many of his own that he don't talk of.

5. Be positive

You would only be constructive when you keep positive attitude. And, this would make a change all over. Everyone would love to work with your self esteem.

6. Think high for your company

Your boss is not the only one to pay you. You have to pay him back! You have to think above yourself and for the company. How to keep your company going so that you can grow with it too?

7. Keep constructive criticism

Do criticize! But it should be for the good.

8. Be respectful of your colleagues

Respect your colleagues and have a friendly attitude towards them. Keep your trust with them and your boss.

9. Keep your surroundings beautiful

A healthy and visually beautiful environment keeps everyone healthy and eager to work. So, keep your environment clean yourself.

10. Be relaxed and enthusiastic

Don't get tense for every task that is at hand. Be helpful to the team and get input from them in return. Task divided always seem easy and done on time.

Try these simple work habits and change your attitude towards the job you do. Love your job, and your boss will love you.


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