10 Ways To Reduce Body Fat
I read a great article from Precision Nutrition called?All About Fat Loss. It was oddly enough, all about fat loss...
The most useful part of the article for me was their 10 recommendations to help you lower body fat levels.
It is not just "eat broccoli and go run for 2 hours" that you see sometimes. The list is comprehensive, doable, and uses a multi-prong approach to fat loss.
My suggestion is to take a look at the list, pick out the?one?you think would be the EASIEST to make a habit, and then make it part of your daily routine.
When that one becomes routine, add another tool to your toolbox.
10 Ways to reduce body fat:
Which one looks the simplest to start for you?
PS- Do you need help with your core muscles?
Our class that started this week is heavily focused on strengthening and toning the core muscles. Not only to look better but also to relieve/prevent lower back pain and make everyday activities easier.
There are still a few spots left if you would like to join us, please reply or message me and type?More Core?and I will give you all the details.