10 ways of a problem solver
10 ways of a problem-solver
Problem solving is the knack of solving or circumventing the challenges which stand in the way of your goals. There are problems which needs to be faced head on and there are problems which aren't crucial and hence can be circumvented or avoided in pursuit of larger goals. However, doing nothing only worsens it and there are 10 ways to approach a problem:-
1. Define the problem
The problem needs to be defined first so that the nature and characteristics of the challenge is clear in the mind. Clarity of the exact problem is essential before thinking of means to tackle it. A problem well-defined is half done.
2. Generate alternative solutions
Generate numerous alternate solutions which has the potential to solve the clearly defined problem. The solutions should be as clearly defined as the problems itself.
3. Evaluate and select solutions
Evaluate the various solutions based on pros and cons and possible consequences of each alternative to get a comprehensive view of the problem.
4. Implement and follow up solution
Implement the selected alternative and follow up to its conclusion till the problem no longer exists or doesn't stand in the way of your project.
5. Delegate
If a problem can't be solved by you, delegate it to a pair of capable hands which can do that. If delegation isn't possible, partner with a suitable ally by striking a win-win deal.
6. Put ego on Backburner
Ego is such a big and common barrier to your success that Hindu rituals suggest breaking of the coconut (which signifies ego) before starting any new venture. Don't let ego be a barrier. Break that Coconut and look for means to solve problems.
7. Seek expert opinion
There are problems which you yourself can't solve when there are time limitations and your expertise is inadequate. Seek expert opinion and accelerate the process. Eg:- Learning Japanese just for one client maybe a bad idea and hiring an expert language translator maybe the way forward.
8. Get back
When solving problems, take a break and get back to it after few hours or days for a fresh perspective. Maybe you will crack the problem better after a break.
9. Check precedence
Read and find out precedence. It's unlikely that the problem you are facing is first of it's kind. Unless your project or problem falls under rarest-of-rare categories, your problem is already faced by someone else. Check for precedence on what worked for others.
10. Brainstorm
Brainstorm for means to prevent the problem from recurring or put in systems or resources in place to solve similar problems immediately without delay when it occurs next time.
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