10 Ways To Learn Something New Everyday
Our brains have been described as muscles and being exposed to new things actually helps them exercise. It gives us more knowledge and makes us more relatable because we end up acquiring a vast plethora of information.
There are a number of ways you can learn something new and teach yourself a new habit every day. So, let’s discuss the top 10.
1. Use Infographics
Learning with this strategy is one of the easiest ways because our brains take less than 1/10 of a second to get a sense of a visual. Images also remain in our brain for a longer time.
2. Immerse Yourself In Ted ED’s
These are what is normally known as Ted Talks. You can watch these talks online and the topics are vast and engaging. The visual aspect also plays a huge role here.
3. Use GeoGuessr
GeoGuessr is a free game that makes learning geography easy and fun. An image of a Google Maps photo is revealed to you and you have to guess where in the world it is.
4. Play Lumosity
This game was created by scientists and game developers. It is filled with a collection of cognitive games that you can enjoy and learn from as you go.
5. Learn a New Language
With the Duolingo free app, you can learn a new language by using an interactive method. You won’t be overwhelmed as the lessons are given in small amounts.
6. Learn New Skills Online
If you don’t mind courses then Udemy is your go-to place. It has over 55,000 online courses on a range of different topics with some being free and others coming in at a price.