10 Ways for Killer Meetings

10 Ways for Killer Meetings

"If everyone in a meeting at any hour were placed end to end, they would probably be more comfortable."

That’s how Ken Blanchard characterized the discomfort and dread of most business meetings. Middle managers spend 35% of their work week in meetings; senior managers 50%. And, senior managers consider 67% of the meetings they attend to be a waste of time. 

The answer is not necessarily fewer meetings; it is more effective meetings.

Here are a few rules of engagement designed to make meetings work:

1. Send the agenda out in advance and review it at the start of the meeting.

2. Hold meetings in a space where everyone can stand instead of sit. Get rid of the big table!

3. Change the meeting setting…how about meeting outdoors?

4. Start the meeting on time (always) with on a positive note…e.g., name one proud accomplishment since we last met.

5. Spend the last five minutes of every meeting debriefing with three questions:

  • What worked well about this meeting?
  • What is our biggest improvement opportunity for future meetings? 
  • What is one thing we can all pledge to do to make the next meeting great?

6. Work out "house rules" for the protocols of all meetings, post them on the wall at the meeting site, and read them aloud at the start of every meeting. 

7. Rotate the leadership of every meeting.

8. Only invite people who need to attend to have direct input and/or make decisions. You can find other ways to "keep everyone informed."

9. If you cannot attend, send someone in your place. It can be a great developmental experience.

10. Consider inviting a customer to every meeting…or, a colleague your unit serves.

Meetings can be dull experience in watch watching. Or, they can be exciting adventures laced with engagement, learning and results. Make the killer meetings with a few modifications! 

Speaking of meetings … Chip also can keynote your large meetings and conferences. With a Global Gurus ranking of #2 in the world for Customer Service, Chip is a powerful, provocative keynote speaker. To learn more and watch him in action, click https://bit.ly/ChipBell_KeynoteSpeaker.


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