10 Ways to Exercise The Mind

10 Ways to Exercise The Mind

In many ways the mind is like a muscle i.e. if you don’t exercise the mind – it can weaken. Like a muscle, if you regularly test it with exercise, the brain will become stronger and stay fit and alert. I am sure there are many more spiritual or deeper methods of exercising the mind but in keeping with the theme of this book I like to keep things simple.

With that in mind (ahem), here are some of my suggestions on how you might exercise the brain and keep your mind fresh.

1.  Regularly solve puzzles e.g. crosswords, sudokus and other “brain teasers”.

 I find this the single most effective and simple way to exercise the mind. I have noticed if I give them a miss for a while, my brain doesn't quite operate as efficiently as it might do when I regularly solve my favourite crossword.

2.  Play a musical instrument – even if you play it badly.

I play a little bit of guitar and I play it quite badly. I play it for myself and I find it a great way to stimulate a different part of the old grey matter. If you don’t play an instrument then learn how! There are countless instruments out there that you can play badly or you might even surprise yourself and play the instrument well!

3.  Paint, sketch or draw.

I know what you are going to say. I can’t draw! Well you know what? It doesn’t matter that you are not the next Leonardo Da Vinci! I draw sketches now and again and sometimes they look ok and sometimes they look like they have been drawn by a six year old. It doesn't matter. Do it for YOU!

 4.  Learn a new language.

This is such a great way to stimulate the mind. I can speak Swedish as a second language and it’s a shame I don’t get to practice it any more. Although my wife and I can have secret conversations in public as there are not that many Swedish speakers in the world. Pick a language you feel you would love to learn but remember some languages are more challenging than others.

5.  Learn how to juggle.

I love this exercise. It is a great way to improve concentration and improve hand to eye co-ordination. It also relaxes the mind as you don’t have time to think of all the stresses and strains of life as juggling takes 100% concentration. Go on, give it a go! Its even fun!

6.  Play Chess, Backgammon, Checkers or even Go!

These are great and classical mind games and are surprisingly easy to learn but it might take a lifetime to master Chess or Go!

 7.  Play computer games.

Strategy games or puzzle games can be great stimulation but like most things in life play them in moderation! I like to play the odd game of “Advance Wars” on my Nintendo DS.

8.  Write!

Write poetry, write a short story or even write a book! Even keeping a journal is a great way to flex those creative muscles.

9.  Try amateur dramatics.

Acting can be a wonderful release of emotions and very creative. I was involved in an English speaking drama group in Sweden – even performing as part of a cabaret act. It was something so different from my then day job (a computer programmer) and I felt I was able to use other parts of my brain and rest the logical part! There is nothing logical about performing in front of a crowded theatre.

10.  Travel.

It is true what they say - travel does indeed broaden the mind. You take in so many things about so many different cultures. You learn that not everybody thinks the same way you have been taught to. You gain an understanding of the world around you and sometimes you have to think fast to meet the challenges travelling can bring. I admit this is not an option for a lot of people but if you ever get the opportunity to travel this world of ours – go for it!

 What other ways can you think of to exercise your mind?

To learn more simple ways to exercise your brain get my book Self Help For Lazy People available world wild at Amazon in paperback and Kindle versions.  Audio book narrated by Neal Arango available at Audible, Amazon and iTunes.


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