10 Ways to Add More Steps to Your Day
Experts recommend that we take around 10,000 steps a day. Unless you use a device like a Fitbit you probably don't know how many steps you are taking everyday. If you track or don't track your steps that's okay but I challenge you to strive to add more in your day. Make little adjustments throughout your day and you can add on quite a few extra steps. Here are some great and simple ways to add more steps to your day!
1. Park further away from your destination and avoid fighting someone for a close parking spot.
2. Set an alarm on your phone or computer for every one to two hours to get off your chair and walk around the office or march in place.
3. Plan to go for a walk in the neighborhood before work or after dinner.
4. Take your dog for a walk or offer to walk a neighbor's dog. They will keep you moving!
5. Hide the remote and get up to turn the channel on the television.
6. Walk around while your talking or playing a game on your phone.
7. March in place while your cooking.
8. Turn on your favorite music and start dancing.
9. Make a few extra trips up and down the steps at home and work.
10. Get out and play! Add steps with a favorite activity like tennis, golf or even flying a kite.
What are some other ways that you add steps in your day? If you are interested in more healthy challenges check out my Facebook page for weekly inspiration.