10 ways to activate your greatness

10 ways to activate your greatness

The world is full of tributes to individual greatness – media empires, artworks, publications, prizes and awards, philanthropic acts, halls of learning, public spaces.

But when it’s not your name on the building, the effect can be numbing, not inspiring. Greatness exists, but it’s not your role.

I’m here to tell you that realizing your own greatness is your role. It’s the prime reason for being.

Why have we forgotten this? Fear of measuring up is one reason. I believe the others are distraction, and inertia.

Although modern life has yielded innumerable, life-improving, empowering efficiencies, conveniences, and possibilities, it distracts us from our own greatness. Living a deliberate life—one of purpose and discernment—is challenging when we’re faced at every turn with the seeming greater ease of life in consumption mode.?

But in that mode, we live unconsciously, look for answers outside ourselves, and forget that we are responsible for—and solely positioned to—unlock our own greatness. Consumption mode places us outside of our own power. It triggers our self-consciousness and it can send us into the death spiral of comparison.

You can’t consume your way to greatness. No algorithm will ever deliver that for you. Not the career highs, riches, fulfillment, body, relationships, family, or joy that an algorithm might invite you to aspire to. It won’t advance your life purpose or heal you, either.

Then there’s inertia. The second law of thermodynamics states that objects at rest tend to stay at rest, and objects in motion tend to stay in motion, unless acted upon by an opposing force. Inertia is why it’s hard to break habits. It takes awareness and intention (the force) to act in opposition to a habit—or in our case—to consumption mode (the motion). Inertia is in play if you’re not currently living or actively cultivating your own greatness—the mission you’re here to complete.?

And that’s a relief, because it means you are the only force that can act in opposition to such inertia and move toward your greatness—the reason you came to this planet.?

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But how do you activate your greatness??

Here are 10 ways:

  1. Cultivate a baseline of self-trust. Your greatness won’t ever come from anything that is outside of you. Your greatness is already inside you, and learning how to trust yourself is the first step in unlocking it.
  2. Seek support—not guidance—from others. Even the most well-meaning people have beliefs, opinions, triggers, fears, and agendas. Although people close to you love you, they usually want to make sure your (and their) safety is intact.?
  3. Free yourself from the chains of approval. Taking action toward your greatness is a bold act, and it could awaken latent envy or fears in others. Because your purpose is yours and not theirs, the right pathway may feel right only to you.?
  4. Learn to welcome space. The universe sees space as opportunity, and moves to fill spaces in order to create balance. If your mind, emotions, body, and environment are always full, the universe will struggle to deliver what you desire. Keep in mind that hoarding (which fills up space) is a fearful practice. Creating space, especially on purpose, signals to the universe that you are open and expectant to receive. Cultivate a regular practice of space-making: physically, materially, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and financially. Meditation is a great place to start.
  5. Trust your intuition. Because the right pathway toward your own greatness is yours alone, you can speed things up by being willing to listen to what your heart is telling you. Often this won’t be the same advice a friend or your parent might give you. You can also learn by documenting what happens when you have an instinct or gut feeling, and you follow through on it, versus what happens when you don’t. Over time, you’ll recognize patterns and learn what works and doesn’t for you. This new layer of self-trust will speed up access to your greatness.
  6. Celebrate the greatness you’ve already realized. Make lists of all the ways in which you’re awesome and beautiful. Note how you’ve made a difference, no matter how small the thing that set that difference in motion. Feel the power of what you’ve achieved, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, financially, and materially. All of it counts!
  7. Make a practice of self-study. It’s honest, not selfish, to familiarize yourself with how you tend to operate, so you can make informed decisions. As the CEO and artistic director of your life, it’s helpful to have an understanding of how you respond to achievements and success, stress and setbacks, opportunities and threats, so you can flourish on purpose. Write down what you are learning.
  8. Practice accepting. Most people exert a lot of energy around things that happened in the past. Then, they invite regret, shame, guilt, fury, etc., which can’t change outcomes.? By practicing accepting of yourself and others, you can radically change your relationship with those things, which naturally creates new outcomes. (Not to say you shouldn’t be angry about injustices; anger can be a powerfully creative force, but at a certain point, it isn’t a helpful tool).?
  9. Forgive yourself. Stop judging and punishing yourself for past mistakes. Notice them, forgive yourself, and move on. Grace is an important practice on the path to greatness. When you forgive yourself, you free yourself to greater presence and orient yourself more toward receiving. Forgiveness is an act of inner space-clearing hygiene that should happen regularly.?
  10. Cultivate discernment. Inner discernment means you no longer need validation, external evidence that you’re on the right path, nor to prove that you are acceptable or sufficient in some way. You’re in tune with what is true and right for you, not firing solely on the logic cylinder or looking outside of yourself for guidance. You have become the guide.

Ralph Waldo Emerson prefaced his essay Self-Reliance with the phrase: Ne te quaesiveris extra, Latin which translates roughly to “Do not seek yourself outside yourself.”

This advice feels more resonant with me than ever, especially as I move toward my own greatness (very much a work in progress).

Greatness isn’t about perfection.?

And I believe that your greatness begins to unlock the moment you decide it’s worthwhile, joyful, and important that you take up permanent residence in being Who You Truly Are—the person only You can be.?

The person You came here to be.?

The person, over the distractions and inertia, you are choosing to be.

And thus, the destined greatness You are moving boldly toward.?

I see and appreciate you. Thank you for reading.


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