10 Warning Signs of Depression in Seniors
Did you know that about 16% of older adults aged 65+ are depressed? While most Canadian seniors are living healthier and happier lives than ever, those affected by depression experience debilitating symptoms such as sadness, fatigue and confusion. Treatment is effective and critically important, because untreated depression can contribute to other health problems such as dementia, heart issues and immune disorders — and it’s the leading cause of suicide in seniors. (Contact your nearest emergency department if you or a senior you know is feeling suicidal.) Read on to learn about the warning signs of depression in seniors and how to treat this medical condition, from medication to exercise.?
“Sometimes the changes are so gradual that a senior doesn’t notice something’s off, or they chalk it up to aging,” says Kathryn Keough-Rocheleau, a registered nurse and Regional Director of Wellness at Amica. “It’s important for family and caregivers to identify changes and offer help.”
What is depression, and what causes it?
Depression isn’t inevitable for seniors, nor is it just a feeling that you can simply shake off. As the Canadian Association of Mental Health (CAMH) notes, it’s a biological illness and mood disorder set off by a chemical imbalance in the brain. Depression can start early or late in life. Some health conditions can cause depression, such as thyroid problems, chronic pain, stroke or dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, as can alcohol use and certain medications. Grief, stress and difficult life events can also trigger depression.
What are the warning signs of depression in seniors?
Depression in older adults often goes unnoticed because it seems like a normal part of aging or a symptom of another condition. Some seniors don’t share their feelings because they’re worried about stigma, or they feel like they should be able to figure it out themselves — not realizing that it’s a serious medical condition. Having the occasional sad or low-energy day isn’t problematic but experiencing a despairing mood for more than two weeks can indicate depression. Depression symptoms in seniors include:
Talk to your doctor or health professional right away if you or a senior loved one is exhibiting these symptoms of depression. In particular, call the Canada Suicide Prevention Service at 833-456-4566 or take them to the nearest emergency department if they’re talking about suicide.
What increases the possibility of depression in seniors?
There are many risk factors which can boost the likelihood of depression in older people, such as:
Unmarried or isolated seniors, older women and alcoholics are also at higher risk of depression. A recent study from Dalhousie University found that the COVID-19 pandemic raised the odds of depression and worsened symptoms, as well.
?How can you help an older person, parent or spouse with depression?
Caregivers, family and friends can make a significant difference in the life of a depressed senior. Here are a few ways that you can assist:
How to treat or reduce depression in seniors
Over 80% of people with depression respond well to treatment and recover, according to the Mood Disorders Society of Canada. Beneficial treatment options and lifestyle choices include:
Many of the lifestyle recommendations above help prevent depression and improve quality of life, as well.
The benefits of senior living
With engaging social activities, nutritious meals prepared by Red Seal chefs, fitness and meditation classes and enriching excursions, senior living offers a powerful antidote to isolation. Find out how living at Amica helps seniors in our article, How senior living cures loneliness.?
Helen, an Amica resident, agrees. “It was my children’s idea for me to move to Amica because I was living alone and had become very depressed,” she says. “I wasn’t communicating with anyone. It wasn’t easy, but I got to know people and now I’ve been here for more than nine years.”
Book a virtual or in-person tour to find out what it’s like to enjoy living on your own terms in an elegant Amica residence with outstanding dining, amenities, activities, senior care and safety measures.