10 Wacky Reasons I love Saint Patrick’s Day Even Though I am Not Irish.
St Patty’s Day is a holiday that I can really get behind. I apologize in advance as I’m sure I will be offending Catholics, Irish People, and a bunch of drunks simultaneously. I am sincere. Well, as sincere as one can get when discussing things like little green fairies and dyed milkshakes.
My thoughtless mother would often forget to dress me in the appropriate colors. As a Jewish kid named Cindy Greenberg, I used the lame excuse of “the green is in my name” when asked where was my green.?
I never went as far as dangly shamrock earrings and leprechaun sweatshirts, but I would don an olive or kelly green sweater when I remembered.
At the approach of my favorite holiday, that I do not officially celebrate, I put together a list of all the reasons I smile on March 17th.