10 Usability Heuristics for User Interface Design

10 Usability Heuristics for User Interface Design


When we explore the world of experience design and user interface, it's common to focus primarily on visual elements such as buttons, colors, and typography. However, as we delve deeper into studies and experiences, it becomes evident that a poorly planned interface can cause an extremely unpleasant experience for the user. It's akin to reading a book out of order or with missing pages. This would diminish the experience into something that could be more engaging and complete.

We develop a dialogue between humans and machines when creating digital interfaces. When this dialogue doesn't flow naturally, the interaction becomes confusing and uncomfortable, resembling an interrupted or disconnected conversation.

User Interface

The User Interface (UI) is what users see and interact with within a system, application, or website. It's like creating a straightforward map without complicated language or extensive instructions. The main goal of UI is to guide users from one point to another intuitively without the need for a comprehensive instruction manual. It's about providing a clear path and making navigation straightforward.

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