10 Unconscious Mistakes that Sabotage Your Career Happiness
Selina Yankson
Perfectly position your leadership impact in 6-steps to accelerate your influence, earnings and authority to create a career you love | Continuous Impact? Career Strategy for leaders | The You Review Podcast & Community
Self-sabotage is real. The road to career happiness is an ongoing journey, not a destination. By recognising that you are sabotaging yourself, the more progress you make towards a more fulfilling career.
1. You are caught up in the comparison trap
Rather than focusing on your progress and successes, you constantly measure your achievements against others. It's natural to do so, but it serves little purpose when it drains your self-confidence and distracts you from investing in your growth.
2. Fear of judgment stops you from following your passions
You avoid pursuing what you love because you feel others might judge you. And you are right. Some people will. In reality, most people are wrapped up in their own lives, too busy dealing with their stuff to notice what you are doing. And those who judge are usually the ones who aren't making progress in their own lives and projecting their fears and insecurities onto you.
3. Placing the needs of others above your own
You've been neglecting yourself, trying to meet others' needs first. Remember the oxygen mask analogy – you must place the mask on your face before you can help others. The more you give, the more others expect until you eventually burn out. Overgiving leads to resentment and missed opportunities. Operating from a depleted state only adds to your misery of placing your needs last.
4. The fear of failing is destroying your potential
Taking risks and confronting failures is the only way to grow. The person who never made a mistake never achieved anything. Don't be that person.
Dreaming about what you want to do rather than doing it is a life half-lived. Learn to see your mistakes as stepping stones towards success. Mistakes mean action, learning and growth. Learn to reframe it in your mind.
5. You make excuses instead of taking action
There is always tomorrow. It's not important. I'll do it later.
You spend energy convincing yourself that you are happy in your job or career or that it's not the right time. Ask yourself: If you are genuinely happy, why doesn't it feel like it? Stop procrastinating, make a plan and get on with it. Time will not wait for you.
6. Your fear of risk is stopping you from trying new things
Your risk register is out of balance. You believe that taking risks will lead to failure and this belief is preventing you from trying. Life is full of risks, but where there is no risk -- there is no reward.
Get support from a coach to help you balance your risk register. Believe in yourself enough to take chances. If you don't bet on yourself, who will?
7. You're living a career vision that's not yours
You're in a career moulded by someone else's vision – family, friends, or a partner. The expectation on you is heavy. You did all the right things. You are successful, but you are unhappy. It's not your vision; it's theirs, and this career mismatch is soul-crushing. It's crucial to ask yourself, ' Whose life are you living?
8. Constant self-doubt hinders progress
The cloak of self-doubt weighs heavy. It makes you feel stuck, unworthy, and scared of taking risks. You constantly question your decisions and play it small. Self-doubt prevents you from aspiring to be the best you can be in your career. Why are you continuing to let yourself be unsupported?
9. Overcommitment to an unappreciative job
Your misplaced loyalty to a company that wouldn't hesitate to replace you in less than a New York minute keeps you stuck in the hamster wheel of false gratitude. Mutual respect and growth should be at the core of your professional relationship. If it isn't, why are you still there?
10. You've stopped investing in your dreams
You believe your dreams are not worth investing in. So you're limiting yourself to a mediocre career. Why? You are here for a purpose, so allow yourself to explore your aspirations and dreams -- you deserve to be happy, confident and empowered.
Take a moment to reflect on these ten points. How many resonate with you? If you find yourself nodding to any of them, it's time to switch things up and review your career choices. Commit to investing in your growth and happiness today. Seek coaching or get a mentor. Your career happiness is worth the effort.
Hi, I'm Selina, a Self-leadership Executive Coach and Career Strategist. I help you make better career decisions so you can live up to your potential. I love to connect and answer your burning career questions. You can catch me on Linkedin audio every other Tuesday, for my free Tuesday Career Talks. (Please take a look at the featured section on my profile.)
If you're a high-performing leader looking to manage your career more authentically with empowered decision-making, apply to join my private LinkedIn group, the Leaders ID.
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1 年Really insightful and very helpful. Thank you Selina Yankson for sharing.
Perfectly position your leadership impact in 6-steps to accelerate your influence, earnings and authority to create a career you love | Continuous Impact? Career Strategy for leaders | The You Review Podcast & Community
1 年It can be incredibly difficult to face our fears but it's not impossible to overcome them. Reach out if you think it's time you took control.
Building strong LinkedIn communities and growth mindsets that open up opportunities for leaders beyond LinkedIn. Entrepreneur. Coach. TEDx Speaker.
1 年Selina, inspiring thoughts and tips! That’s so true! I find fears, comparison and self-doubt are the real killer of realizing our dreams!
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1 年I can recognize myself in some of these points. There are not only valid for your career working for others but as entrepreneur of life in general Selina Yankson . Comparaison is really problematic for many. It was really hard for me until discovering that everyone of us must follow their own path. Half imposter syndrome half low self estime. The article is an excellent reminder to all
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1 年Really interesting piece Selina - good food for thought!