10 translations "abierto" not "open"
Michael D. Powers, Ph.D., USCCI
US Certified Court Interpreter 1980 / Ph.D. Spanish Portuguese 1981 / 24 years university professor / Estimates: 12,000+ depositions, hearings, etc. / 850 trials / 3000 documents / Conference Interpreter 650 conferences
There are at least 10 different translations of the Spanish word "abierto" to English according to the context.
In the sentence, "José es muy abierto", its literal translation is, "José is very open." Other ways to convey this meaning are, "José is very sincere" and "José is very frank."
The phrase, "conducir a tumba abierta", in its literal translation, can vary since "tumba" has many different meanings including "grave", "jolt" and many more. Now when you floor it, giving the biggest jolt, this reflects the figurative meaning of "driving flat out" or "driving at top speed".
Although "piernas abiertas" literal means "open legs" this position is more often referred to as "legs apart".re
Ditto for "brazos aiertos" also meaning "open arms" is more commonly referred to as "arms wide open".
"grifo abierto" literally means an open faucet, although two common translations for this are "tap on" and "water running".
The literal translation for "herida abierta", "open wound" works quite nicely, in addition to "gaping wound."
If you take a look at the picture for this article, you can see the boy is gaping in amazement, which in Spanish can be rendered as "quedarse con la boca abierta" literally meaning "remaining with his open mouth".
"ver el cielo abierto" literally means "see the open sky" and figuratively is used as "see a way out" or "find a solution".
These are but 10 of the many different translations for "abierto" from Spanish to English.