10 Traits Of Successful Innovators You Should Learn
Chika Ebuzor
Author | Certified Digital Marketing Associate | Digital Media Content Strategist
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Innovation is not a new word to today's generation. If you look around you right now, the changes and improvements are a testimony of innovative thinking.
Over the years, and from generation to generation, we have witnessed men and women, young and old, amaze us with novel ideas that have transformed our way of life, and processes in all spheres of endeavour.
What is Innovation?
Innovation is the ability to come up with new concepts, processes or systems to deal with existing and new problems.
It is the combination of old and new ways, concepts, and processes to generate a better possibility based on an analysis of the future, a market or a trend.
That said, let's get down to the nitty-gritty of the matter at hand. We will X-ray the life of Moses in the Bible, to pick out the mindset or traits of successful innovators.
1. Successful innovators understand that with crisis, comes the opportunity to innovate.
They have wired themselves to see opportunity in every problem. So rather than chicken out, they take up the challenge.
You have to understand that a crisis is the womb that births innovation. Moses was sandwiched between the Red Sea and the angry army of Egypt, and it was during that period he discovered a new way of crossing water - Dividing it. (Exodus 14:13-16).
2. Successful innovators don't panic in the face of a crisis.
They understand that every problem has a solution and therefore, take charge of the situation and take up the responsibility of finding a way out. (Exodus 14:13-14).
If in a team, they reassure and motivate team-mates, so that everyone's eyes are on the ball.
3. Successful innovators understand the place of failure in the mix.
They know it is part of the process of creating a better possibility. They don't get weighed down by the event, rather they glean from what happened and relaunch with a better perspective of the issue and rich experience under their belt.
Moses failed in his first attempt to liberate his brethren when he was in Egypt. ( Exodus 2:11-14).
He went underground and resurfaced with a new perspective and experience to bring them out of slavery years later.
4. Successful innovators are passionate vision carriers.
They see and think far. Nothing else motivates them more than a dream of a better possibility.
You will see this trait play out in the life of Moses all through the book of Exodus.
5. Successful innovators don't give up easily.
They don't take NO for an answer. They keep knocking at the door and hitting at that resistance to their dream till it gives way for them to move forward.
Moses' continuous visits to Pharaoh to negotiate for the release of his people attests to this.
6. Successful innovators understand the importance of gleaning lessons from every downtime in their life.
They don't let a crisis go to waste. They know that their experience and the capacity built during any wilderness period will come in handy when push comes to shove.
Moses' experience in the corridors of power in Egypt and his encounter with the burning bush in Exodus chapter 3, helped build his capacity.
7. Successful innovators start with what they have and make the best out of it. (Exodus 4:2-4)
They don't sit down to cry and whine about what they don't have. In Exodus 7:10-12, you will see Moses use his rod to innovate.
In subsequent chapters of the book of Exodus, the rod in his hand played a very important role as he tried to persuade Pharaoh to let the people go.
When they were before the Red Sea, in Exodus 14:21, he used what he had ( the rod) to divide the waters.
8. Successful innovators are bold to declare their vision to whoever cares to listen.
You will see Moses display this trait in Exodus 5:1.
They also are willing to do what it takes to achieve their dream of a better possibility.
9. Successful innovators are analytical.
They understand the importance of assessing a situation, to understand the bigger picture, possible risks, wins and potentials involved.
When Moses saw the burning bush in Exodus 3, he went closer to assess the situation to understand what was happening, because there was fire, and the bush was not burning.
Also, in verse 11 of the same chapter, you find Moses trying to have a proper grasp of the situation at hand.
10. Though they don't let it limit them, successful innovators understand their areas of weakness.
They understand that they cannot go the journey alone, hence the need for a team to cover up with other potentials.
Moses complained about his speech defect, so God had to send his brother, Aaron to go along with him. (Exodus 4:10-14).
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I pray that the creative ability of God rests on you, and cause the works of your hand to be the most preferred in the name of Jesus. Amen!
Thank you for your time.